Broken Heart

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(Garroth's POV)
I sat in my room all weekend. Crying periodically, not eating a single thing, cutting.... Sleeping at random points for only small amounts of time. Laurance cheated on me, my dad showed up then left in a way that hit us all so hard, I had no one to talk to and I didn't care to. I would have to go back to school eventually though, and it all would be downhill again. My mom kept worrying about me, but I didn't have the energy to pretend I was fine. So I didn't talk at all. The only way she knew I was alive was a couple texts a day reassuring her that I just needed to work through some things and I would be okay. She told me I needed to come downstairs to eat and leave my room and I always said "I will in a little while."
What did I do wrong?

*Monday at school*
I went to school and tried to play it cool. I saw Aphmau there.
"Hey Garroth! What's up?"
Her cheery personality was nice to see but it also taunted me harshly.
"Not much, but I've gotta get to class. I've got a lot of makeup work to do that I missed last week. Catch ya later."
I went to class but on my way, I saw Laurance there. He locked eyes with me. I put my head down and rushed to my classrooms, got all of my missed work from all my teachers, then went to sit in the bathroom alone until class actually started. I put my face in my hands as I realized I was alone in there. I spent the next ten minutes just pacing. Out of nowhere a hand landed on my shoulder when I turned away from the door. It was Vylad.
He stopped. I realized there were tears running down my face and I hadn't even realized it. I couldn't keep Laurance off of my mind. Vylad hugged me.
"Look, I won't ask. But just know you can talk to me. Is there anything you wanna talk about?"
I stayed quiet and slowly hugged him back.
Then Aaron, Aphmau's friend, walked in. He gave a questioning glance, a sympathetic look, and walked out. I could tell he was just trying to respect our business. The bell rang, and we went off to class. I walked in and saw Laurance sitting in his seat, which was right next to mine. I took a deep breath and went to sit down. As soon as I sat down he handed me a note. I reluctantly took it. He stared at me as I read it.
"It's very complicated but I didn't mean to kiss Michi! She tricked me... I love you, Garroth. Please.... Meet me at 4 at the park and I'll explain everything and even prove it. I understand if you don't trust me and won't show up. But it would mean the world to me if you did..."
I started tearing up and debating whether I should go or not. I decided to show up.
*At the park*
I walked up to see Laurance pacing.
"I-I'm here..."
(Laurance's POV)
Oh thank Irene he showed.
"Garroth! Thank you. Listen. I've been talking to Michi and she's ready to admit what she did. Michi come here."
Michi walked out from behind a tree.
"Michi made a potion to disguise herself as you in order to get closer to me. I thought it was you so when she kissed me, naturally I was okay with it. But during that, the potion wore off and she changed. I opened my eyes to see this and as soon as I saw her I went to push her off. But you walked by after she changed back to normal. I know it sounds far fetched and all, but it's the truth! Garroth, I love you so much and when I saw you walk away then not show up the rest of the week, I fell apart knowing you were hurt. I had no idea what to say or do so I waited until I could see you in person. Please, believe me. I truly love you, and I wouldn't lie about that. Michi show him."
"Ugh... You guys are no fun. Nya~."
She pulled out a potion bottle.
"Michi uses magicks as you both know. So she made this. This is the same potion Michi used around Laurance."
She splashed it at her feet and transformed once again into Garroth.
"Wh-why would you do that to me Michi...? I don't know if I can believe you guys."
"Michi wants what she wants and doesn't mind getting in the way to get it. You guys are so lame. If Laurance didn't have something against Michi, she would have never admitted it either, nya. Michi out."
The potion wore off and she left. I turned to Garroth who was looking at me blankly.
"I love you.... So, Garroth.... Will you please be mine again..? I miss you.... So much."
I really did. I knew that what happened only added to his problems. Who knows what he's been feeling lately. Michi made that worse. He was silent for a minute or two. Then he finally spoke.
"L-Laurance I....I.. Um... "
He hugged me, tightly. I hugged him back and kept a hold on him for a little bit.
I got him back. My angel...
"So is that a yes?"
He pulled away and smiled. We walked around for a while before returning to our own homes. I kissed him for a couple seconds before letting him walk away. He blushed deeply. Adorable~.
(Garroth's POV)
I walked into my house with a big smile on my face. Mom was in the kitchen.
"What's the smile from? Hanging out with Laurance?"
I nodded which caused her to give a small squeak of happiness and grabbed a small snack. It was the first time I had eaten since Thursday.

Garroth ❤️Laurance Where stories live. Discover now