Prologue:"The Beginning Of It All"

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"The Beginning Of It All"

                 James Potter, an 11 year old boy with black hair and glasses stood in front of King's Cross station in London, patiently waiting for his parents to catch up with him. He was extremely excited, because after all, this wasn't a normal day. Today, September 1st of 1971 was the day he was going to Hogwarts school of Witchcraft and Wizardry, one of the most famous wizards' schools in the world. He had waited for this moment for many years, and now that the day had arrived, he couldn't believe it.

"James, walk slowly, will you? The train is leaving in half an hour so please stop running." Said his mother, distracting James from his thoughts.

"Can you blame him, Euphemia? He has been waiting for this day his whole life!" Said Mr. Potter, behind his wife.

As soon as they catch up with James, he started walking faster, leaving his parents behind once more.

"Oh for God's sake, this boy is killing me!" Exclaimed Mrs. Potter, following his son.

Together, the three of them went into the station. It was Monday, and the station was crowded by both wizards and muggles.

"Mom, what's the platform again? Nine and three quarters, am I right?" Asked James, excited.

His mother sighed, catching her breath. "Yes darling, follow me."

They walked a few meters and then they stood between platform 9 and 10.

"Dad, this can't be right. There's no platform nine and three quarters!" Said James, disappointed.

His father chuckled. "You see, a platform like this one can't be seen by muggles so therefore it's hidden." Said his father, placing his hand on James' shoulder. "Do you see that wall, James?" Asked his father, pointing at it with his hand.

James followed his father's hand. "Yes, I can see it." He said, nodding his head.

"We have to walk through it, James. Are you ready?" Asked his father.

James smirked and ran, and a few minutes later, he vanished.

His mother sighed. "You know, a normal person would have asked if it was safe, but of course he didn't. He is so stubborn Fleamont. I am afraid he will get in trouble at school." Said Mrs. Potter.

Mr. Potter put a hand around his wife and he grabbed his son's luggage with the other. "Let's just hope he make friends who aren't like him. He needs someone that calms him down." Said Mr. Potter, and within 5 seconds, he had vanished with his wife as well.



Hi guys! I have decided to write another Fanfic and I love the marauders so I decided to write their story. It's a story where James, Sirius and Lily are the main characters, and I would like to write seven books about them. So yeah, I hope you like it.

And I would also like to thank @samlynch22 for helping me pick a name for the first book. You are the best!

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