Chapter 5: " Roommates"

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As soon as McGonagall finished calling their names, Dumbledore stood up once more.

"For now, I have one thing to say to you: Tuck in." He said, sitting on his seat.

After a few seconds, food appeared magically on the table. There were all kinds of food, and James and Sirius couldn't help but smile.

"This is the best thing I have seen in years! At home, we have a house-elf called Kreacher. I am quite sure he hates me, his food is disgusting." Said Sirius, eating potatoes.

"My mother cooks delicious! Maybe you can go at my place on the summer and you can eat her delicious cookies" Said James, drinking pumpkin juice.

"Isn't this great? I really love magic! But who cooked this food? How is it possible that it appeared from nowhere?" Asked Lily, a few seats away.

"I read that house-elves cook it. They are powerful creatures, don't you have one at home?" Asked Remus.

"Not really... my parents are muggles" Said Lily, shrugging her shoulders.

"Muggles? So when did you find out you were a witch?" Asked Sirius, curious.

Lily looked at him and stopped smiling. She turned around and continued talking to Remus.

"Oh, come on. Are you still mad at me for what happened at the train with Snivellus?" Asked Sirius.

Lily looked at him and crossed his arms. "His name is Severus, Sirius Black. Stop calling him that." She said.

"Why should we?" Asked James.

"Because it isn't right to talk to people like that." She said.

"Fine, whatever" Said Sirius, rolling his eyes.

He continued talking to James, and Lily faced Remus.

"What was that about? You already know them?" Remus asked.

"Yes, I had the displeasure of meeting them at the train." She said.

"Oh, don't pay attention to them. They might be rude sometimes, but I believe they are good people." He said, smiling at her.

"Do you know them?" She asked him.

"I met them at the boats. They are quite funny, you know. I was talking to them when they started spreading the rumor of the giant squid." He said.

"Oh, so they were the one that started it? Not surprised at all." She said. "You know, I like you Remus. You seem smart and a good person. It would be sad if you and Peter became their friends."

Remus smiled. "We will be alright. Someone has to keep them out of trouble, right?" He said.

She smiled and started talking to a girl next to her. They all talked for what seemed for hours, and then Dumbledore sent them to sleep.

"Alright, first years, follow me!" Said a Gryffindor boy, who happened to be a prefect. His name was William Wood, and he was 15 years old. James and Sirius found him very arrogant and they hated him for giving them instructions.

"I don't like him." They said at the same time.

They all followed him and William kept telling them to keep quiet, but of course, both James and Sirius starting talking louder. Lupin was by their side and had a small smile on his face, while Peter was by their side, laughing.

Finally, William Wood started walking on their way, and he looked angry.

"What did I just told you? Shut up!" He said, looking at them.

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