Chapter 13: "Christmas"

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Nothing important happened the following weeks. The boys kept doing pranks to teachers and students, especially to Snape. They got detention and they lost many points, but that was it. Then, they noticed the year was going by really fast, since it was December.

The snow was falling lightly over Hogwarts. The turrets of the castle were covered by a layer of snow, and it looked like a Christmas card picture. In the courtyard below, a flurry of activity was going on. Children from eleven to seventeen were hurrying about, cloaks wrapped warmly around their bodies to keep out the cold.

The four friends were standing by the carriages that appeared to have no horse moving them. James, Remus and Peter climbed one of them, but Sirius didn't.

"What are you waiting for?" Asked James.

"I am not coming. I am going to spend Christmas here." Replied Sirius, giving them a sad smile.

"What? Why? Don't you wish to see your family?" Asked Remus, confused.

"Not really. They don't really want me there." Said Sirius, shrugging his shoulders.

"You don't know that. I am sure they do, you are his son." Said Peter.

"You don't believe me? Here, I will make a demonstration. James, you are playing the role of my father." Said Sirius.

"I don't want to be your father." Said James, confused.

Sirius rolled his eyes. "See? You already know your lines James. That's exactly what he would tell me if I went home." He said.

James sighed. "Then come with me. You can spend Christmas with my family. I am sure they would love to meet you." He said.

Sirius looked at him. "No, it's okay. I mean... I didn't pack anything. I left all my things in the bedroom."

"That doesn't matter. I will lend you my things. Please Sirius, come with me. No one should spend Christmas alone."

Sirius smiled and sighing, he climbed the carriage and sat next to Remus. The four of them smiled and the carriage started moving.


Lily watched the four boys who were in the carriage next to her, and she couldn't help but listen to all they said.

"Oh poor Sirius. It must be terrible to be all alone in the world." Said Mary, sighing.

Lily rolled her eyes. "I am sure he's overreacting. He just needs attention, that's all." She said.

Alice stared at her. "That's not true. I heard his parents hate him because he's in Gryffindor and not in Slytherin." She said.

"Yeah, poor boy. It must be terrible to be with that family." Said Mary.

"Why are you two so obsessed with him? Since you saw him you two have always been talking about him. I mean, haven't you noticed that he's using you? He only talks to both of you when he needs to copy your homework." Said Lily.

"So? He's handsome. Oh, he's going to break a lot of hearts in a few years." Said Mary.

Lily rolled her eyes and opened her book. Then, she noticed Severus climbing her carriage, and she looked at her friends, who seemed to be really uncomfortable with his presence.

"Hi! I guess you will be going home for Christmas?" Asked Lily.

Severus nodded. "My parents are expecting me. I guess we will be seeing each other these three weeks. You know that you can come to my place whenever you want. My father is fond of you, you know, since you come from a muggle family." He said.

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