Chapter 3: "Hogwarts"

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James Potter and Sirius Black watched Lily and Severus leaving the compartment, before starting to laugh again.

"That was a good one, Black!" said James, laughing.

Sirius smiled and looked at the window. James watched him closely and sighed.

"Are you okay?" asked James, looking at him.

"I am okay. It's just that... I hate when people compare me to my family. I am nothing like them." He said, crossing his arms.

"Are they really that bad?" Asked James.

Sirius rolled his eyes. "They are the worst. My parents with their stupid obsession with pure blood and my brother who is stupid enough to believe they are superior. They are all for the purification of the wizarding race, getting rid of Muggle-borns and having pure-bloods in charge..." He spat, angry.

"You have a brother?" Asked James, curious.

"Unfortunately, I do. His name is Regulus. He is a few years younger than me. But he is just like my parents. I can't really trust anyone in that family." He said, looking at the window.

James remained quiet, he didn't know what to say to him to make him feel better.

"Tell me about your family." Said Sirius, looking at him.

James shrugged his shoulders. "We are a pure blood family as well, but my parents don't really care about that. I have no brothers or sisters, so I am the only kid around. Sometimes it is boring, because I have to do all by myself, and I wish I could have a younger brother so I could blame him whenever I do something bad." He said.

Sirius chuckled. "Sounds like a nice family. My parents blame me for everything that happens, and it doesn't matter if it was Regulus the one who did something, they always blame me. And my brother never says a thing... He is a coward." Sirius said, angry.

"Well, at least you won't be seeing them for a while." Said James, smiling.

Sirius looked at him and laughed. "You are right." He said.

They both talked for hours, and they noticed that they were slowly becoming friends, without knowing that they were going to be best friends for seven years.

After a few hours, they looked at the window and they noticed a big castle on the top of a mountain, a castle that was surrounded by a lake.

"It's beautiful..." Said James, with his eyes wide open.

"Yeah... I heard there's a big squid on the lake." Said Sirius, smirking.

"Who told you that?" Asked James.

"My cousin Bellatrix. She said it is huge and that it could kill you if you get close to it." Sirius said.

James rolled his eyes. "That's not true! They wouldn't keep that thing at the school. She's probably lying. Although we can prove it." He said.

"How?" Asked Sirius, full of curiosity.

"Well, we can throw Snivellus at the lake to see if that thing eats him." Said James, smirking.

Sirius smirked and looked at the lake. "We could try it but... I bet that girl will be by his side all the time."

"Who? The red- haired? What was her name again?" Said James, thinking.

"Lily, I think." Said Sirius, distracted.

James didn't know why he asked. He had been thinking about that girl since she left the compartment, so naturally he hadn't forgotten her name. He found her beautiful, like nothing he had ever seen before. But that was it. She was friends with Snivellus, so he knew he couldn't be friends with her at all.

The train stopped and James forgot about Lily. He opened the door of the compartment and got off the train. The first thing he saw was a really big man, with beard and with big brown eyes.

"Sirius, look at that man!" James exclaimed, pointing at him.

Sirius looked at the man and muttered something.

"Do you think he is a giant? I thought giants were our enemies!" He said.

"He is not a giant. At least not a full one. I believe he is a half-giant." Said a boy behind James and Sirius.

James and Sirius turned around and looked at the boy. The boy was tall, he was thin and looked really tired. He was carrying a book, and by his side, was another boy. The other boy was the opposite, he was small and fat, and he had the face of a rat. He looked really nervous, and he was looking at Hagrid with fear.

"And how do you know that?" Asked Sirius, curious.

"Giants are bigger, and they are really... dumb. Besides, they don't have the capacities for talking to humans..." The tall boy said.

"What's your name? I am James Potter, and this is my friend Sirius Black." James said, holding out his hand.

The tall boy shook his hand before answering. "My name is Remus Lupin. And this is Peter Pettigrew." He said.

James and Sirius looked at Peter.

Peter looked scared. "Hello. It's n-nice to m-meet you-u." Peter stuttered, shaking their hands.

Before they could say anything else, the half-giant spoke.

"Good evening! My name is Rubeus Hagrid, and I am the keeper of keys and grounds of Hogwarts. I will be taking you, first years, to the Hall of Hogwarts, were the selection will take place." Hagrid said, walking.

They all looked at him, shocked, probably because they had never seen someone that tall. They all got into the boats to get to the castle. James, Sirius, Peter and Remus sat together, talking about their favorite house. Little did they know that they were about to become best friends, that they were going to get into a lot of trouble in the next following years, and that they were going to be so famous that they were going to become legends at the school. 


Chapter 3 is here! 

Also, I know Peter did a lot of bad things ( I hate him so much) but just remember that he was an inoccent kid here so just keep that in mind. 

Updates are every 4 days!



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