Chapter 12: "Sirius' Revenge"

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"Sirius' revenge"

Next morning, the boys woke up and they immediately remembered everything that happened last night. They all laughed, and they put on some comfy clothes. It was Saturday, and they had the day off to do whatever they wanted. They went to the Hall to have breakfast and then they went to the Hospital wing to visit Remus.

They opened the door and saw Mrs. Pomfrey, the nurse.

"Hi, boys. May I ask what are you doing here?" Asked the nurse.

"We are here to visit Remus Lupin." Said James.

"Very well, you can see him for five minutes. He needs to rest." Said Mrs. Pomfrey.

"Alright. Thank you." Said James, smiling.

They walked a little further, and noticed there were dozens of beds in a row. In the one by the window was Remus, and he was having breakfast.

James, Sirius and Peter all stood by his bed, and they noticed he was extremely pale, and he looked really tired, like he hadn't slept for a week.

"Hi, Remus. How are you feeling?" Asked Sirius, sitting on the bed.

"I am okay. I had a flu, that's all. Mrs. Pomfrey fixed it." Said Remus, smiling.

"You missed a great adventure last night!" Said Peter.

Remus smirked. "So you found it? Where does it leads?" He asked.

"It wasn't easy, Peter and Sirius complained the whole time. But it was behind the statue. It was a big tunnel that leads to the kitchens." Said James.

"So you didn't get caught?" Asked Remus, surprised.

The three boys exchanged looks. "Well... Peeves saw us." Said James, scratching the back of his neck.

"Oh, that bloody ghost. He's going to regret it." Said Sirius.

"But teachers didn't see anything. And I don't know if Peeves said anything..." Said James.

"That's strange, why hasn't he?" Asked Remus.

"I don't know. Perhaps he likes us. I mean... we like pranks right? Just like he does." Said Peter.

"Maybe... but he still called Filch. So we need to play a prank on him." Said Sirius, smirking. "He deserves it. After this I am sure he will never bother us again."

"So you have an idea?" Asked James.

Sirius smirked once more. "Oh, I do, and you are going to love it."

A few hours later...

Sirius met the three boys by a tree near the black lake, a tree where they used to sit after classes.

"So, have you got the salt?" Asked Sirius, looking at James.

"Yes, I do. It was difficult to move the statue of Gregory-the-smarmy. After all, we couldn't get caught so we had to be discrete." Said James, taking out the salt of his robes.

"So you saw the secret passage?" Asked Sirius to Remus.

Remus nodded. "I did. It was awesome!" He said.

"Sirius, are you going to explain us your plan or not?" Asked James.

Sirius nodded and hid the salt in his robes. "I will. As you know, Peeves is a poltergeist, right? It means it's a ghost that never lived before. And poltergeists have a weakness, which is salt. If you touch them with it they disappear for a while, or it stops them from doing things." He explained.

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