Chapter 10: "With a little help from my friends"

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"With a little help from my friends". 

Two months had passed since James showed his three friends the invisibility cloak, and they had been planning when and how to sneak at night. However, that was useless, because they still needed to find out what those words meant. Meanwhile, the four boys got even closer, and they were inseparable, especially James and Sirius. They told each other everything, and they got into even more trouble together.

One Monday, by mid-November, the boys were having breakfast at the Gryffindor table, when they noticed the owls flying above their heads.

"Mail is here!" Exclaimed James.

Sirius looked at his friends, who looked really excited because they were about to get news from home. He noticed he was sad, because his family didn't write to him, not even once. He sighed and continued eating. A few seconds later, a letter fell into Sirius' plate. He opened his eyes and read the envelope, which was indeed, with his name on it. Unfortunately, Sirius noticed the letter wasn't a normal letter: It was a Howler.

"What's that?" Asked Frank Longbottom.

"Um...Nothing." Said Sirius, putting the Howler inside his robes. "I need to go."

"Wait, what happened Sirius?" Asked James, staring at his friend.

Sirius closed his eyes and ran to Hogwarts' grounds. He sat near the black lake, and sighing, he took out the Howler and stared at it.

Before he could throw it away, it exploded, and the voice of Mrs. Black pierced through the grounds.

"Sirius Orion Black! You really are a disgrace to your family! Oh, I bet you thought we wouldn't say anything to you boy, but we were. We are profoundly disappointed on you. You ruined the tradition! For years, the Blacks have been proud members of the Slytherin house, and now you have to ruin it? I am disgusted! Why can't you be more like your cousins, or even your brother? Oh, if I could, I would bring you straight home away from that place, but I won't, because then I would have to deal with you. I'll see you at the end of the year." Mrs. Black yelled, hysterically.

Then, the Howler disappeared. Sirius noticed there were tears in his eyes, and he quickly cleaned the tears with his robes. He sighed and closed his eyes, resting his head against a rock.

"Are you okay?" Asked a boy behind him.

Sirius looked behind him, and noticed that the boy was James.

"Why are you here? Why did you follow me?" Asked Sirius, angry.

"Because I was worried about you." Said James, sitting next to him.

"Well, don't be. I can take care of myself." Said Sirius, crossing his arms.

"I know you can. I just thought you needed someone to talk to, that's all. I mean... what that woman said wasn't exactly nice." Said James, with a sad smile.

"Well that woman is my horrid mother. Remember what I told you about her, when we first met?" Asked Sirius.

"I do... you told me they were all mean to you." Said James.

"Well, now you know they are mean. For eleven years they have been telling me I am a disappointment, that I am a failure. Hell, there were times I believed them." Said Sirius, sighing.

"You aren't a disappointment. You are an amazing friend Sirius. I am glad you aren't like them. They don't deserve you. Look, I will talk to my parents, maybe you can spend Christmas with us." Suggested James.

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