Chapter 15: "William Wood"

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Just like they had promised, they went back the night after they had found out about the passage, and they often used to stay for hours eating candies and planning their new pranks. Sirius and James became lazier, and William Wood used to give them detention for every little thing they did.

A few months later, in March, the boys were sitting by the black lake when suddenly they saw William Wood coming. Remus sighed and rolling his eyes, he opened his potions book.

"Well, well, well. What an unexpected surprise to see you here, doing nothing." Said Wood, sarcastically.

"What do you want Wood?" Asked Sirius, without staring at him.

"Just to remind you that you have detention tonight." Said Wood, smirking.

"How could I forget?" Said Sirius, rolling his eyes.

Wood stared at him for a few seconds, and then he left to sit near his friends, who were a few meters away from them.

"And what did you do now?" Asked Remus, sighing.

"I can't remember why I got detention for. James, which ones were my latest pranks?" Asked Sirius, innocently.

"Um... well, you got cockroach cluster all over the Slytherins' dinners, then you tripped a first year Slytherin girl up, then you wrote "I am stupid" on Professor Binn's blackboard..." He said, laughing.

"Actually, you wrote that on his board." Said Sirius.

"Oh, yeah, you are right. Oh, and you sent a Howler to Lucius Malfoy imitating his dad, which I think was the best of them all." Added James.

"If only you, Remus, had seen his face when the Howler started screaming. I laughed so hard I almost fainted." Said Sirius.

"Yeah, but you were in the library studying like a nerd." Joked James.

"I wasn't just studying. I also like to talk with normal people." Said Remus, still reading his book.

"Like who?" Asked Peter.

"Like Lily Evans and her friends." He said.

"Oh, so you have a thing for Evans now, don't you?" Asked James, smirking.

"I do not! I just like to study with them, that's all." Said Remus, shrugging his shoulders.

"Oh come on. There's nothing interesting with Lily Evans. She's boring, and she's always with Snivellus." Said James.

"Whatever guys." Muttered Remus.

For a few seconds, no one said anything. Then, Sirius smirked and looked at James.

"Would you like to join me on detention tonight?" Asked Sirius.

James stared at him like he was crazy. "Are you mental? Why would I do such thing?" He asked.

"I don't want to be alone. It's boring. Come on, James. You are my best friend, don't leave me there alone." Said Sirius.

James sighed and smirked. "Fine. But we need a prank, right now." He said.

"Well, I was thinking that there's only a person we hate that hasn't been pranked yet." Said Sirius.

"And who would that be?" Asked James, thinking.

"Wood." Replied Peter.

"That's right Peter. Wood." Said James.

"Okay, how should we prank him?" Asked James.

"We could get his homework and write "I am stupid, I know nothing" all over it." Suggested Peter.

"No, that's lame and I won't get detention for it. What if I... inflate his head to twice its normal size? You know, so know he can actually have that big brain he thinks he has." Said James.

"Oh, that's splendid. Then he will tell Madame Pomfrey and you will go with me to detention." Said Sirius, excited.

"All right, let's do this." Said James, taking out his wand.

"Do you even know the spell?" Asked Remus.

"Dear Remus, I might be lazy, but I am not stupid." Said James, smirking and tapping the back of his friend.

He stood up and visualized Wood. He was laughing with his friends about 10 meters away from him. He took his wand and pointed at him. Smirking, he closed his eyes and muttered the spell.

"Engorgio. " He muttered.

For a few seconds, William's head remained the same, which made James think he had done the spell incorrectly. However, a few seconds later, the back of his head started growing, which made James to smirk. He could hear Wood's friends' screams, and other people's laughs. Wood started screaming and his feet left the ground, before going up. James and his three friends cracked up laughing, and James had to lay down because he could barely breathe. Then, the laughs stopped when Wood's head returned to its normal size, and his feet were back on the ground. They noticed McGonagall was now standing next to Wood, and the four boys knew James was in trouble.

"Alright, who did this?" Asked McGonagall, angry.

All students went silent, even James did, because he wasn't sure if he should say anything.

"They did! They have been messing with me since they got into the school!" Said Wood, with a strong headache.

"They didn't do anything. I did." Said James, smirking.

"I don't care which one of you did it. The four of you are going to detention IMMEDIATELY." Yelled McGonagall, angry.

The four boys nodded and left the grounds.

"Oh, are you happy now? Now we are all being punished because of your stupidity." Said Remus, sighing.

"You don't same that angry." Said James, staring at Remus.

"Well, it was funny seeing that douchebag's head bigger. He deserved it." Said Remus, smiling.

The four of them laughed and went to have dinner, wondering what their punishment was going to be.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 17, 2016 ⏰

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