Chapter 7: "Wingardium Leviosa"

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"Wingardium Leviosa" 

The four boys left McGonagall's office laughing, and they all went to their rooms to clean themselves and to get ready for their first class, which happened to be enchantments, with Professor Flitwick.

"I heard his class is awesome, my cousin told me that on the first class we always learn the Wingardium Leviosa spell." Said Sirius.

"Which one is that?" Asked Peter.

"Well, you will have to wait and see." Said James, smirking.

"With which House do we have class?" Asked Sirius, taking his books.

"Slytherin, if I am not wrong." Said Remus, leaving their bedroom.

"Oh, what a lovely way to start the day." Said Sirius, with a sarcastic tone.

"Well, at least we can get out revenge. Snivellus will be there." Said James.

"Oh, how lovely. Guess we will ruin his day, now, won't we?" Said Sirius.

"Oh, indeed we will." Replied James, following Remus.

They all left the Gryffindor tower and went to Enchantments. They asked around where the classroom was, and they all got there without getting lost. As soon as they went inside, they noticed that Lily and her two friends were already there, so they quickly sat next to them.

Lily raised her head and saw that James Potter was about to sit by her side. She rolled her eyes and opened her book, pretending to read.

"Hi, Evans. It's great to see you with no milk on your uniform." Said James, opening his book.

"You ruined my uniform. I had to change and now I am going to have to wash it because of you." She said.

"Don't be so dramatic, I am sure it will be okay." He said.

She raised her eyebrows and looked at Professor Flitwick.

"Good morning children, I am Professor Flitwick and I will be your Enchantments' teacher." He said, introducing himself.

"Do you think it would be rude to ask him how tall he is?" James whispered into Sirius' ear, which made Sirius laugh.

Lily couldn't help to over listen, and she had to admit that James Potter was funny, but a complete asshole, or course.

"Now, to begin, I will like you to read in pairs chapter 1." Flitwick said. "Now, you two will be one pair" He said to James and Lily, pointing at them. Then, he put Remus and Alice together, and Sirius was left with Mary MacDonald.

Lily sighed and covered her face with her hands. Today was definitely not a good day.

"Shall we begin? Oh, and by the way, you don't have to pretend you like me." Said James, shrugging his shoulders.

"I wasn't going to, Potter. I don't like you, and I will remind you that till the day we leave this school." She said, reading.

"Good, then I won't have to pretend I like you either." He said.

"Fine" She said.

"Fine". He repeated, reading.

She sighed and kept reading. After a few minutes, Flitwick told them to practice the spell with their pair, and as much as Lily and James hated working together, they had to do it if they wanted to get a good grade.

"Win-gardium Levios-a" Said James, with his hand on his hand. They were all trying to lift a feather, and no one had succeeded yet.

"You are saying it wrong." Said Lily, without looking at him.

"No, I am not." Said James, defending himself.

"Yes, you are." She insisted.

"Then I will prove it to you." He said. He closed his eyes, and muttered the spell, and a few seconds later, Lily noticed the feather was up, near the ceiling.

She rolled her eyes and tried it herself. James looked at her, and she noticed he was an arrogant look in his face only because he could lift it. A few seconds later, she saw another feather go up, and this time, it was Sirius' and Mary's feather.

"Mary! You did it!" Lily cheered.

Mary looked at her. "I did not, Sirius did." She said, looking at him with admiration.

"What can I say? I am awesome." He said, crossing his arms and smiling.

Lily sighed and tried it once more. After a few minutes, she did it, and by the end of the hour, the only one who couldn't do it was Frank Longbottom.

They all stood up and left the classroom, but Mary and Lily stayed behind to wait for Alice, who was helping Frank.

"Are you coming?" They asked her.

"You go ahead. I'll stay with him." Said Alice.

They sighed and left the classroom, and prepared for the next class, which happened to be Potions.

They all went to the dungeons, and Lily noticed the Slytherin kids were also going in that direction. Then, she noticed someone touching her shoulder, and turning around, she noticed it was Severus.

"Severus! We haven't talked since last night." She said, walking by his side.

"I know, I saw you in Flitwick's class." Said Snape.

"Why didn't you say hi?" She asked him.

"Um... I don't know." He muttered.

"Let me tell you why he didn't say hi, Evans. Perhaps he's embarrassed of being seen talking with a Gryffindor girl." Said James, behind her back.

"No, I am not. You are a liar." Said Snape, looking at James.

"No he's not. Come on, I heard you made some friends. Malfoy, huh? That yellow-haired asshole?" Said Sirius, laughing.

Snape blushed and lowered his head, while Lily defended him.

"Why do you have to be so rude? Severus and I have been friends for over a year, and we won't stop being friends just because he's a Slytherin. Why do Gryffindors and Slytherins have to hate each other so much? It makes no sense." She said to the boys.

"Because they are evil." Said James.

"Well, Potter, not all Slytherins are evil. And not all Gryffindors are brave." She said.

James frowned and kept walking. After a few seconds, Lily noticed Snape's books were lifting and were near the ceiling, and then, they disappeared.

"What the hell just happened?" Muttered Lily.

She heard Sirius, James, and Peter laughing, while Remus just rolled his eyes.

"Bring them back, Potter! I know it was you!" Said Snape, angry.

"Oh, Snivellus, you don't have proof it was me." Said James, smirking.

And then, they disappeared through the crowd.

"I hate him, and Black." Said Snape.

"Don't pay attention to them. They are just bullies. We will find your books soon." Said Lily, comforting his friend.

Snape didn't say anything. They both kept walking, but Lily was amazed. In all those books she read, spells were not easy to learn. And James Potter could do the spell without any problem, and so did Sirius Black. She had to accept that, as much as she hated them, they were clever. Very clever indeed.

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