Chapter 9: "Detention"

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The day went by, and before they noticed, it was already dark, and then remembered they had to go to detention with Mr. Filch and his cat, Mrs. Norris. They ate really quickly and noticed Snape was back, and he had a bucket with him in case he vomited more.

"He's pathetic, isn't he?" Asked James, looking at him.

"Oh, he is." Agreed Sirius.

"He's not pathetic, you are. He wasn't doing anything to you, and you pranked him. Why do you have to be like that? Just leave him alone." Said Lily, which happened to be listening to their conversation.

"Oh, Evans. Why am I not surprised that you were listening to our conversation?" Asked James.

"I wasn't. Your annoying voice was really loud, so trust me when I tell you that everyone here listened to you." She said.

"Oh, you think they care? Come on, Evans, they all hate Slytherins as much as we do." Said Sirius.

"And why is that?" She asked.

"I told you before. Because they are arrogant pigs who think that they are better than everyone else." Said James.

Lily rolled her eyes. "Oh, you just described yourself James Potter, and your 3 friends." Said Lily.

"Hey, I am not like them!" Protested Remus.

"Then why are you with them? You are smart Remus, you don't have to be with them." Said Alice, next to Lily.

"What a surprise! Now you hate as too? And what about you, Mary, do you think I am an arrogant pig?" Asked Sirius.

Mary blushed. "Um... I don't know."

"That's strange, because I noticed you staring at me the entire day." Sirius said, winking at her.

Mary blushed even more and looked away.

"See? You are an arrogant pig, Black." Said Alice.

The three girls left the table, and parted to the Gryffindor tower.

"Remus, do you think we are arrogant pigs?" Asked Sirius.

"No, I do not. But you do behave like ones." Said Remus, reading a book. "But you are my friends, and it's my responsibility to make you stop behaving like that."

"Well, you can teach us some good manners tonight, we will have plenty of time." Said James. "Look, here comes McGonagall."

Professor McGonagall was walking in their direction, so they stood up and followed her. She was very quiet and serious, so they followed her quietly. They went to the dungeons, and they entered a very dusty and disorganized room, where they saw Filch waiting for them.

"I leave you in Mr. Filch's hands. Have a good night." She said, closing the door behind her.

They all sighed and stared at Filch.

"Well, look what we have here. Four first years getting detention on their first day. Too bad all you have to do is clean this room. Oh, if only Dumbledore allowed torture..." Filch said, with Mrs. Norris in his arms.

Then, he left the room and went to the one next to that one. The four kids sighed and started working. At first, Sirius and James sat and talked, but Remus finally convinced them to help him. James and Sirius were organizing the right part of the room, while Remus and Peter organized the other one. After an hour, they all sat to rest. Then, Mrs. Norris went inside the room and stared at them with her big red eyes.

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