Chapter 6: "The First Prank"

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"The first Prank"

The next morning, Sirius woke up and looking around, he remembered he was at Hogwarts, away from his family and their selfishness. He smirked and stood up, and a few seconds later, he was inside the bathroom.

A few minutes later, James and the others woke up. Remus, Peter and Frank were excited because it was the first day of classes, but of course, James wasn't excited at all. He patiently waited for Sirius, because he knew his new friend would agree with him.

A few seconds later, Sirius came out of the bathroom, with wet hair and a towel on his hand. He was wearing part of his uniform, and his tie was missing.

"You actually put that thing on?" Asked James, looking at him.

Sirius shrugged. "We have to, but that doesn't mean I will wear the whole thing. I am not wearing that ridiculous tie." Said Sirius, looking at his black tie, which was on top of his bed.

James smirked. "And can you actually believe these three idiots are excited for classes?"

Sirius looked at them and rolled his eyes. "Are you three mental? Excited? Why? There's nothing to be excited about!" He said.

"Of course there is. Or don't you want to learn some spells?" Asked Peter.

"Classes aren't just for learning spells. We are going to be taught how to use them wisely, and many other things about the wizarding world." Said Remus, packing his pack.

"We already know everything about the Wizarding World! I mean, we all come from a wizard family." Said James.

"He is right. We do not know everything, but if I am going to go to classes then I won't be following the rules. I mean, rules were meant to be broken, don't you think?" Asked Sirius.

James nodded and the others just stared at each other and sighed. One by one, they all took a shower and as soon as they were all ready, they went to the Hall to have breakfast. They noticed there were kids from 11 to 17 years old heading to the Hall, and they could see that everyone was happy, after all, it was a new year full of opportunities to learn things and have fun. However, everyone else had a different definition of fun; for them, it was to be with their friends and share new moments, but for James, Sirius, Remus and Peter fun meant breaking rules, and they knew they had to start their first year with style.

They all got to the Hall and sat at the Gryffindor table, and they saw that Lily arrived with other girls.

"Hello, Lily. How was your night?" Asked Remus, politely.

Lily smiled. "Oh, it was splendid, thank you very much. There was this big window at my room and I could watch the lake and the mountains. They looked extremely beautiful." She said.

Remus nodded and looked at her new friends. "Hello, I am Remus Lupin." He said.

"Hello, I am Alice Fortescue." Said a brown- haired girl.

"And I am Mary MacDonald." Said a blond girl.

Remus smiled. "These are my friends, James Potter, Sirius Black and Peter Pettigrew. Oh, and this is Frank Longbottom, we are all roommates."

The two girls smiled at Sirius and James and blushed. Meanwhile, Lily rolled her eyes and started eating her breakfast.

"Do we actually have to sit next to them? They clearly hate us!" Whispered James in Sirius' ear.

"So? They only one who hates us is Evans. Who cares? We should play a prank on her!" Whispered Sirius, smiling.

"Just on her? Why not to the whole school?" James asked.

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