Chapter 1: "Meeting Sirius Black"

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"Meeting Sirius Black".

James closed his eyes and hoped to pass through the wall without any problem. He took a deep breath and ran, leaving his parents behind. After a few seconds, he opened them and noticed that the view he had in front of him had changed.

There weren't muggles anymore, and King's Cross Station looked different now. He smiled and looking around, he noticed Hogwarts's Express and a sign that said: "Platform nine and three quarters." Around him, there were hundreds of kids with their luggage and their pets, and they were saying goodbye to his parents, ready to get on the train.

"James, hold on! You have to carry your own luggage son." His father said behind him.

James smiled and grabbed his luggage and his owl, which he named Horton.

"James, I need you to listen to me for once in your life." Said his mother, looking at him.

James smirked. "I'll try." He said.

His mother sighed and rolled her eyes. "Don't forget to take care of Horton or to send us letters. And remember that the Forest behind the castle is strictly forbidden so I don't want you to be wandering that place at night. Remember that all of your books are in your suitcase along with your wand. And please... BEHAVE." Said his mother, kissing him on the cheek.

James hugged her and looked at his father.

"Just... listen to your mother. Oh, and don't forget not to disturb Argus Filch and his cat, James. And please I don't want to see you doing pranks son. But other than that, have fun because Hogwarts is a magical place and you will learn so much." His father said, shaking James' hand.

"I'll see you at Christmas, I suppose. And I promise I'll behave." Said James, faking a cute smile.

His parents smiled once more and walked away.

"Honestly, did they actually buy that? I have never listened to them and now they think I will?" Muttered James to himself, smirking.

He grabbed his luggage and his owl and got in the train. Most of the compartments were already taken, so he walked to the end of the train to see if one of them was empty. He looked around and saw that the last compartment was almost empty, there was a black haired boy sitting inside. He opened the door and looked at him.

"Excuse me, can I sit here? All the other compartments are full." Asked James.

The black haired boy looked at him. He noticed he had long hair and gray eyes, and that he had an arrogant smile on his face.

The boy shrugged his shoulders and nodded. James sat in front of him and stared at him.

"What's your name?" Asked James, looking at the boy.

"Black. My name is Sirius Black. What's yours?" Asked Sirius, curious.

"I'm Potter. James Potter. Are you a first year?" He asked.

Sirius nodded. "You?"

"Yes. Honestly I have been waiting for this my whole life." James said, putting his feet on the chair.

"Yeah? And why is that? Do you hate your family?" Asked Sirius.

"No, they are nice people. Although they don't let me do what I want. What about you?" Asked James.

Sirius sighed and rolled his eyes. "I do hate my family. They are horrible people obsessed with pure blood." Said Sirius.

"Yeah, I have heard of the Blacks. They are an ancient family. I think they have a motto or something..." Muttered James, thinking.

"Toujours pure" Spat Sirius, with disgust.

"Yeah... Always pure. They are all from Slytherin right?" Asked James.

"Yes. That's why I don't want to be in that house. I hate it. I wish to be in another one so I can upset my family." Said Sirius.

"In which one do you want to be? Personally, I want to be in Gryffindor. My parents are from that house and honestly I think it's the best. I consider myself as a brave person." Said James, proudly.

"I would like to be in Gryffindor as well. I also consider myself as a brave and loyal person. And I love breaking rules, so that's why I am not good enough to be in another house." Said Sirius.

James' eyes widened. "I love breaking rules too. I always found them rather stupid, don't you think? I hate following people's instructions. I like to do whatever I want." Said James.

Sirius stared at him and smirked. "I think we could be good friends James Potter." He said.

James smirked as well. "I think the same Sirius Black. Although that won't happen if you are in Slytherin." He said.

Sirius chuckled. "Then we have a deal." He said, holding out his hand to James.

"Yes, we do." Said James, shaking Sirius' hand.


Sooo... this is the first chapter. Hope you like it!

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