Chapter 11: "The First Passage"

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The day finally came to an end. The boys finished their homework and they all went to the Hall to have dinner. They talked like nothing was going to happen, like they weren't going to escape. Finally, the four of them and Frank went to their room. They all put on their pajamas and lay on their own bed, ready to sleep.

"Good night." Said Frank.

"Good night Frank" Said James.

After half an hour, James lie awake. He looked at the window and noticed the moon was big and he realized it was a full moon. Unfortunately, the moon was covered by clouds, and James knew that in a matter of seconds the sky was going to clear out and he would be able to watch the moon and the stars.

A noise distracted him from his thoughts. He looked around, but he could only see darkness. Then, he saw that someone was opening the door, and he saw Remus leaving the room. He stood up quietly, and followed him. Before he could hide, Remus saw him.

"Hey, are you okay?" Asked James, whispering.

"I am fine. I just feel a little sick, that's all" Said Remus.

James knew he wasn't fine. He was pale and he was sweating, and he was shivering a little.

"Where are you going?" Asked James.

"I am going to the hospital wing. Please go back to bed." Said Remus, calmly.

"Do you want me to go with you?" Asked James.

"No, I will be okay." Answered Remus.

"But wait! We are going out tonight!" Said James.

Remus stared at him and shook his head. "I am not feeling well. You go ahead, you can tell me about it tomorrow." He said, leaving the common room.

James found himself alone, and sighing, returned to his bedroom. He quickly woke up Sirius and Peter, and tried not to make noise because he didn't want Frank to wake up.

"We have to go now. And be quiet, Frank is sleeping." Whispered James to his friends.

They nodded and left the room. James opened his luggage and took out the invisibility cloak, looking around to make sure Frank was still asleep.

He quietly left the bedroom, and noticed that his friends were waiting for him in the common room.

"Where's Remus?" Asked Peter, yawning.

"He was not feeling well." Said James.

"Then we better go then." Said Sirius, grabbing James' coat.

The three of them put it on, and in a matter of seconds, they disappeared.

"How do we know this thing works?" Asked Peter.

"Oh, it does, trust me. It's not the first time I have used it in here." Said James, smirking.

"You went out without me?" Asked Sirius, surprised.

"I am sorry! I got hungry a couple of times so I went to the kitchens." Said James.

"Well I would like to go with you next time. I want to see the kitchens. Perhaps we can make a food fight again." Suggested Sirius.

"Consider it done." Said James.

The three of them opened the door and left the Gryffindor tower. They looked at the Fat Lady, who was still asleep.

"See? She can't see us" Said James, whispering.

They all walked until they got to the stairs. They started descending them, which wasn't easy.

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