Chapter 32: Will I ever be able to overcome this trauma?

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Cris: Baby at 2PM we have appointment at the psychologist.

Irina: I'm afraid my love (making a sad face)

Cris: (taking Irina in his arms) Baby you not need to be afraid.

I will be right next to you all the time. (you are my brave girl everything will be fine I promise)

Irina: I do not know how you can be so good to me?

Since I came into your life I brought only problems (crying)

Cris: Hey baby do not you ever say that again. You don't bring me problems.

On the contrary you made me feel what true love means.

After I let Junior in care of Elisa I go with Irina at the psychologist.

All  the way Irina was extremely nervous.

Once there we were greeted by Mark

Mark: Hi Cris! How are you? It's been a while since we have not seen each other.

Cris: Hi Mark. I am fine, busy with my career.

Let me introduce you to my girlfriend Irina.

Mark: Hi Irina. Nice to meet you

Irina: Hi doctor. The pleasure is all mine.

Mark: Tell me Mark please. I want to be your friends.

I promise I will help you to overcome all that happened.

I need only you give me some confidence.

I promise I will not force you to tell me anything you don't want to say.

Do you want to join me in my cabinet?

Irina: Can Cris come with me please? I would feel more safer if him will be next to me.

Mark: Of course if it makes you feel more comfortable. Please come with me.

Cris: (holding Irina's hand tightly ) Baby I promise everything will be good (kissing Irina on the forehead)

Mark: Irina take a sit on the sofa please.

Irina: My love you can hold my hand please?

Cris: Sure baby (kissing her )

Mark: Would you tell me what makes you feel so insecure?

Irina: Lately I've been through hard times.

I lost my baby, then I tried to kill myself 2 times. (crying )

Mark: Can you tell me what you felt in those moments?

Irina: I was angry, at me, at Cristiano I felt like my life has no meaning.

I did not understand what happened to us all these horrible things  ?!

Mark: Continue please

Irina: (crying) I can not it's  too painful. My LOVE please, please let's go home

Cris: (hugging her in his arms) I'm right here next to you baby.

We will overcome everything together, I promise.

Irina: (with tears in eyes) Please take me home

Mark: It's okay Cris. That's enough for today. It's better to take Irina at home.

Cris: Thanks for everything Mark

Mark: You don't need to thank me. Take care of  her.

Mark: Irina you can come here again when you're ready.

Irina: Thanks for your support. Forgive me for leaving so. But I can not. It's too painful.

Mark: You no need to apologize I understand you perfectly.

Cris & Irina: Goodbye!

Mark: Goodbye!

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