Chapter 43: 4 years full of happines and love

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After two years ...

Cris: It's been four years since I met the woman who made me understand what true love means.

4 years full of happiness and love. I have everything I could want for my life:

I have a successful career, a wonderful child who is the meaning of my existence and a girlfriend that I love and that is with me and supports me in everything I do.

What could I would want from life? Perhaps, however, it would be something I would want.

I wish to have daddy's little princess. But after the loss, of our baby, for both me and Irina, the subject is delicate .

We decided to enjoy Junior and let all normal course.

But I think it's time to move on to the next level of our relationship.

I wish that this wonderful woman who has been with me for so long time, become my wife.

I found the perfect ring, but do not yet know how to proposed her to be my wife .

I really want to be an unforgettable moment.

But certainly I will proposed her in the holiday which we will spend with Junior in Mauritius.

Irina: I can not believe it's been four years since my life has changed at 360 degrees.

That night that I met on My Super Hero, like living a dream.

A wonderful dream in which I do not want to wake up .

Cristiano makes me feel the most beautiful and special woman in the world, always encourages me in my career is everything I could want.

As my prince what I can say. It's the most wonderful child which I would have wanted.

When I hear him telling me mommy, my heart stops beating for a few seconds.

It's the best feeling. I would not describe in words.

I wish I could spend more time with him, can take Junior with me in a little holiday when Cris have matches, but unfortunately Dolores is always with us.

She always say to me: I will not let Junior with you because you're not able to take care of him.

Her words hurt me so much, but I did not say anything to Cris , because I know how much his family means to him. I do not want to hurt him.

But finally we will spend some unforgettable days just us 3. Within days will go on vacation.

Cris: Hey what are the greatest loves of my life?Are you ready for vacation?

Junior: (jumping in Cris arm) Daddy you coming.

I help mommy to make bags. I can not wait to go on holiday.

Iri: (Kissing Cris ) Welcome my love.

We are very anxious. Especially this little man (kissing Junior on the forehead)

Junior: But you know what will be the most beautiful on this holiday?

Cris & Iri: What will be the most beautiful angel?

Junior :: The fact that it'll just be us 3. We'll have a great time.

Love you daddy, mommy love you to the moon and back ( hugs Cris and Iri)

Cris & Iri: Mommy and Daddy love you very much angel. (Kissing Junior)

Irina and Cris begins to tickle Junior causing him to laugh very hard.

Junior: (laughing) No Mommy, Daddy please stop it. Tickling me greatly.

After a few minutes Cris Irina stopped.

After they make Junior a shower and looked in a cartoon together.

They slept because tomorrow, they must to wake up very early for go to the long-awaited vacation.

Note: This chapter is dedicated to one of the most strong person I know . This chapter is for you, sis lindahh

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