Chapter 12

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Phil wasn't in period one on Monday and Dan couldn't help but worry. He knew that it was kind of ridiculous to because Phil skipped school so much that it was surprise that he hadn't been expelled (or at least warned about being kicked out). It wasn't exactly out of the norm for Phil Lester to not show up for things. In fact, it had kind of become his thing.

If he wasn't skipping, he was late. Dan couldn't help but feel that Phil only liked to be late because it meant he could make a dramatic entrance and attract the attention of all the students. Dan secretly loved Phil's entrances; each brought on a new reason to love Phil's character. For example, once, Dan was sitting in his usual seat, his worksheet in front of him as class had started ten minutes ago and Phil decided to stride in. He had his hands in his pockets and that annoyingly perfect smirk on his face, attracting even the teacher's attention. "Phil Lester, you're late." The teacher had snapped and Dan remembered exactly what Phil had said in response.

"Am I late or were you all just early?" The class had erupted into laughter and even Dan was struggling to breathe: it was so funny. It wasn't even like Phil's answer was an actual, plausible response for being late but it was just.. hilarious. The teacher had stood there, stunned into silence as Phil sat down. That day was iconic.

Another entrance that was worth remembering would be the time that Dan was in English. It had happened about a week ago and it was utter brilliance. "Sorry, I'm late." Phil had chuckled, smirking at the teacher before taking a step forward. He stopped in his tracks as his name was called, followed by the word detention. Phil swerved around to face the teacher, raising one eyebrow. "No, thanks. I'm not really in the mood for a detention."

"Phil Lester, I will be the one to choose whether you're in the mood for a detention." The teacher barked back, raising an eyebrow himself.

"I've got better things to do.. like meet up with my friends."

"You have friends? I'm surprised, with your attitude? I'd assume that you weren't very liked." The whole class was watching intently, the actual lesson plan at the back of their minds. Dan might as well have pulled out popcorn right on the spot it was so intriguing and fun to watch.

"Can you even say that? I'm pretty sure I could get you fired for that." The class were diverting their gazes from the teacher to Phil, hoping not to miss any of the reactions to the action.

"Well, I could get you expelled for that attitude."

"Touché. I like you. You're a good teacher." Phil then sat down like nothing had happened whilst the rest of the class were chattering about the action. It took about fifteen minutes for the teacher to calm the class down and, by then, there wasn't much time left of the lesson.

That was Dan's favourite memory. Dan couldn't help but smile widely to himself and he literally felt like a teenage fangirl when her ship went canon. He felt like he was living in a dream when everything was perfect and everything was alright because everything was perfect and everything was alright.

Dan knew he was happy before he met Phil but what he didn't know was that he would be happier once he came into his life.


What felt odd and made Dan worry was when Phil wasn't in second period either. Yes, Phil did sometimes skip double periods but that was a lot less often. He couldn't concentrate all through the lesson. His fingers were tapping against the table at an unbelievable speed and his mind wasn't set on anything but his boyfriend. So, when the bell finally rang, releasing the group of students from the boringness of the lesson, Dan hurried out of class into the lunch hall. He immediately swiped his phone out of his pocket, sending Phil a quick text to ask if he was alright. Chris and PJ soon sat beside him, glancing at him suspiciously through narrow eyes.

"Did anything happen at the weekend?" PJ asked, trying to sound as casual as possible but failing completely.

"Why? Was something meant to?" Dan responded, unable to wipe the wide, happy smile off of his face.

"No, just wondering.." Chris replied for PJ who was slightly smiling himself.

"What?" Dan blurted out once he realised that Chris and PJ were staring at him, their eyes still as narrow as ever. Dan knew they were suspicious about something but they couldn't possibly know about him and Phil. He hadn't talked to them since they had made up so.. how would they know that they were together? Unless Phil had talked to them (which was more unlikely than it raining Dan's favourite food), they had no chance of knowing, they should be oblivious to their relationship status. So why were they looking at him like that? "Seriously, what's going on with you two?" Chris and PJ just shrugged, smirking at Dan slightly.

"Nothing. What's going on with you?"

"Nothing! Why are you looking at me like that?"

"Do you trust us?" Chris asked, making Dan furrow his eyebrows. Were they thinking he didn't trust them? They had been his friends for a long time, why wouldn't he?


"So you're not keeping any secrets?"

"Of course not! Why would you think I was? Do you not trust me?"

"We do trust you. It's just.. you seem to be acting different. We feel like something has happened to you." Chris and PJ were both smirking at Dan and it made him feel just slightly intimidated.

"Like what?"

"I don't know.. something."

"Nothing happened. If you were good friends you would trust me on that."

"We are good friends.. it's just-"

"I have to go." Dan mumbled, standing up and turning away from his friends. He then picked up his bag, swung it over his shoulder and sadly walked away from his friends. They were hiding something and that made Dan feel slightly offended. They had been friends for so long and they had never kept a secret from each other. He knew he was probably overreacting by being upset about something so stupid but he couldn't help it. That was how he ended up walking around the school in hopes of finding Phil, of course to no avail. He slipped his phone out of his pocket, secretly hoping that he would have at least one reassuring message from Phil to say that everything was okay. He didn't have any messages. At all. So he unlocked his phone and clicked into Phil's contact, calling him.

"Dan?" As soon as Dan heard Phil's voice, he burst into tears. He didn't even understand fully why himself. He just didn't know what was going on with Chris and PJ and why they were acting so suspicious and he just felt like they were being too distant. Dan was afraid that their friendship would fall apart. "Are you okay?"

"No, no. I am most definitely not." Dan mumbled, wiping away a tear that was gradually making its way down his cheek.

"What's up? Did something happen? Did someone hurt you?"

"I don't know.. Chris and PJ are acting really weird and I don't know why.. They're acting like they suspect that I've done something which I haven't! Where are you anyway?" Phil started to chuckle lightly to himself, confusing Dan even more. "Stop laughing at me." Dan muttered, his voice cracking as another tear fell down his cheek.

"It's just- you're an idiot, you know that?" Phil was obviously joking but Dan really wasn't in the mood for a joke. He just hung up, shoving his phone into his pocket before making a run for the toilets. Once he reached there, he allowed himself to sink to the floor, tears falling down his cheeks. It made him feel pathetic. Why on earth was he crying over something so small and ridiculous? He just felt really sad that his best friends didn't trust him.

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