Chapter 15

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"Mum, I don't feel too good.." Dan grumbled as his mum came into the room to wake him up for school.

"What's up?" His mum asked, concerned.

"My stomach aches and my head hurts." Dan held his stomach, hoping that it would make his act a little more believable. His mum leaned forward before pressing her hand against Dan's forehead, checking if it was overheating.

"Really? Your head isn't hot at all."

"Is it not? Oh." Dan looked down at his lap for a moment before his mum spoke up again.

"I know you hate me asking," Her voice was so soft and gentle: she cared about Dan. "But has something happened? Yesterday when you got home from school you seemed.. really off, like something was up." Dan went silent, not exactly wanting to lie but not wanting to tell the truth either. "Dan.." He looked up to meet his mum's eyes to see that they were filled with concern and sympathy whereas his were probably filled with nothing but tears. "What happened?"

"Phil saw me kissing another guy.." Dan mumbled, before laying back down on his bed and pulling his covers over his head in embarrassment from the incident.

"Were... Were you cheating on him?"

"Of course not.." Dan poked half of his head out of the top of his duvet so he can look at his mum. "I love him, I wouldn't cheat on him."

"Then.. what happened?"

"One of his friends-"

"You kissed one of his friends? That's harsh-"

"Mum.. As I was saying, one of his friends walked into the toilets whilst I was in there and he started to talk to me. I told him that I was meant to be meeting Phil soon so he kissed me. Phil had perfect timing and walked in as he did it. After Phil left, he kind of punched me and said some stuff.. no big deal."

"So you didn't actually walk into a door? Someone did this to you?" His mum slowly reached out and brought her thumb across the light purple surrounding Dan's teary eyes, making him wince. Dan could only nod, the tears beginning to slip from his eyes. "Do you want me to speak to the school about the person who hurt you?" Dan hesitantly shook his head, not wanting anyone else to know about the incident in case he was hurt again even more. "Then you need to at least go into school today and tell Phil what you just told me. Tell him that it wasn't your fault, okay? If he really loved you, he would believe you."

"Please don't make me.. I don't want him to hate me."

"He won't if you tell him the truth."

"Are you sure?"

"Yes, I'm sure. Dan, I've been a teenager and I know it's hard but you'll get through this, okay?" Dan half-heartedly nodded as he forced himself to get out of bed.


Dan's body posture was terrible as he walked into his school. His back was slouched and his head was held low. He had a frown on his face and his eyes were dull.. or, at least, duller than usual. His hair hadn't been straightened that morning, so it was his natural curly which he absolutely hated. All in all, he looked pretty terrible. Chris and PJ immediately approached him as soon as they spotted him, their faces filled with concern. "Are you okay?" They asked him, making him shake his head.


"What happened?" PJ's eyes were wide as he finally noticed the bruise around Dan's eye.

"Nothing.. I just.. walked into a door."

"As if we'd believe that, Dan. We know something's up. Also, about yesterday. We're really sorry but we know that you and Phil are together and-" Chris didn't really know what to do when their friend suddenly burst into tears.

"Phil caught me kissing another guy." PJ and Chris both gasped in unison so Dan began to explain what had happened for the second time that day.

PJ and Chris' eyes filled with sympathy as Dan finished his explanation. They pulled him into a long, warming hug to let him know that everything was okay and most importantly, they were okay. "We're so sorry that happened.." PJ mumbled, as soon as Dan had stopped talking.

"Not your fault." Dan shrugged. "My mum wants me to talk to him.."

"You should.. or, if you want, me and Peej can explain to him what happened?"

"No thanks, I think it's something I need to do myself. Also, Peej and I."

"I think you have bigger concerns than my grammatical mistakes."


"Go talk to him!"

"I don't know where he is."

"I haven't seen him yet.." Chris muttered, quickly glancing around in hopes of trying to spot their target.

"Don't you have maths first? Talk to him then."

"Okay." Then the bell rang, as if on perfect cue, meaning they had to go to class and Dan had to go to maths.


The seat next to Dan was empty. Phil wasn't in school again.


Phil wasn't in English either.


Or History.


He wasn't in any of the lessons.

Dan couldn't help but worry.

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