3 - Protector

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We've been driving for about ten minutes. I still couldn't believe it. First of all, I had this new found confidence, and second of all, I was in a car with Stiles Stilinski, driving to a party. It was strange, really. I didn't know what to say or where to put my hands. However, I would catch him staring every now and again and I would blush, letting him know I knew.

When we pulled up at the party, I felt anxiety coursing through my body. I wanted to go home. Just as I was about to tell Stiles to take me home, my door opened. Stood outside the car, holding out his hand for me. You could tell he was nervous, he had a tell. His neck veins would pop out. I guess I had a tell, too. My hands would start to itch. Lydia, calm down, and get out of the car! 

I took his hand shyly, admitting that I didn't want to be there. 

"Stiles, do you know where Allison is?" I looked at him with worried eyes. He directed me towards the first room of the house that we were at. As I was about to turn and ask him if he was coming, I saw him being pulled by the arm to the pool. Malia Tate. She always gets in the way of things. Flustered, I tried to find Allison when someone handed me a drink. It smelled like beer, but because I never drank before, I declined. The stranger with the red cup kept pressing, and me, being the embarrassed little tart that I am, took his hesitantly and downed it. I winced as the fizzy drink burned my throat.

I spotted Allison about half an hour later. I was tipsy. Good going, Lydia. She came walking towards me, a confused look on her face. 

"Where's Stiles?" She asked me through gritted teeth. I giggled and pointed to the pool.

"Out there with his new giirrrllll frieeendd!" My words were slurred. She laughed at me and grabbed my hand. Considering I was having fun, I shook her off.

"Ally, I wanna dance! Go find Scott and make out or something!"

"I don't like drunk Lydia very much. I'm going to get Stiles, or Scott. Just someone." She rolled her eyes and left. I looked out to the pool are and Stiles was making out with Malia whilst staring at me, smiling. I rolled my eyes in disgust and hurt. Jerk. Malia broke away, leading him to the living room, giving me a wry smile as she passed me. When I got back to dancing, I felt someone behind me. I turned around and it was none other than Jackson Whittemore. The jerk that broke my heart in junior year.

"What the hell are you doing here, jackass?" I yelled at him, pulling myself away. I seemed to have sobered up a little, and I knew I had to get away from him. 

Back in junior year, we were dating and I walked in on him making out with Malia Tate. I guess I just had a rush of adrenaline, because I pushed him off of her and punched her, breaking her nose. She didn't hit me back, she just laughed. That was the reason I never really made friends. Jackson left later that year without saying good bye to me.

"I just missed you Lydia," He claimed with a smirk. "So, I thought I'd try and get you back."

"Like I'd ever let you back into my life!" He slid his arms around my waist. "Jackson, you broke my heart, now leave me alone!" I tried to wriggle away from him, but his grip was too strong. Somehow, I had sobered up completely. Everyone was completely oblivious to the situation I was in. No matter how much I tried to break free, his hold wasn't breaking. He grabbed me so that I couldn't move and carried me upstairs. When he got to the top step and still hadn't let me go, I knew full well what his intentions were. I started crying. I wanted to scream, I couldn't. Before he turned the corner with me still in his determined grip, I noticed Stiles looking at me, confused. I mouthed a simple 'help me' to him, and before I knew it, I was in a dark bedroom and Jackson was locking the door.

He pushed me onto the bed, kissing my neck. I wanted nothing more than to go home, to be free of his hold, but Jackson was persistent. As he was about to pull my dress up, I heard a banging at the door. 

"Open up! Come on, Jackson, I know you're in there." I knew that voice, it was Stiles, and he was angry. 

"You keep your mouth shut, whore." Jackson whispered to me. I shivered at the name 'whore'. Jackson stood up, his hands pushing me down as he did so as if to make sure I stayed down. 

He opened the door and a very concerned Stiles stood in the doorway. 

"Let her go, asshole. She doesn't want you, okay?" Stiles said, clenching his jaw. 

"What would you want with a red headed slut like her?" Jackson replied dryly. 

"First of all, she's not a slut. She's a 5'3 strawberry blonde. And second of all, she just so happens to be my date. So back off." She just so happens to be my date. Those words rang in my head. I was his date.

"Stiles," I yelled, "please help me!" 

"Who said you could speak?" Jackson glared at me. Before he could blink, Stiles punched him. I looked at him, tears streaming down my face. He ran in and Jackson tried to get him back, but he simply kicked him to the floor. 

"You okay, Lyds?" Stiles had already given me a nickname. He scooped me up from the bed bridal style and made his was to the jeep. He rang Allison and explained what had happened. I was too scared to even talk. 

"If he ever tries to hurt you again, let me know, okay?"

I smiled and he drove me home. He kept smiling at me. I was still processing the previous moments. Stiles went off with Malia, Jackson tried to take advantage of me. Stiles came running to the rescue, Jackson got knocked out. Stiles carried me to his car and drove me home.

"Thanks, Stilinski." I whispered as he walked me to my door. He just smiled at me shyly. I unlocked my door and ran to my bedroom,completely forgetting about Stiles. I took a shower and rang Allison. I sat up for about an hour or two crying to her and explaining every little detail until' I fell asleep. My last thought, however, was how Stiles Stilinski stopped Jackson

Stiles saved me.



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K thanks lovelys.

Why Do You Like Me? - A Stydia AU (COMPLETE)Where stories live. Discover now