13 - I'm Sorry

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It had been a month since the party, and neither Stiles nor Lydia spoke about what happened. Everything was normal and they continued being friends, ignoring the conversation that they both knew was inevitable.

They'd finished most of their project, only having one last thing to do before the end. They planned on doing it tonight, and Stiles didn't know what he was going to do.

The final part of the project was about their overall development. It was a night or day where they could reflect on everything that they'd been through, and to say where they thought they stood in their relationship. A lot of the pairs from the class were still the same, either still friends or still enemies, but there were a few who had developed stronger feelings for each other over this time.

The two would need to write a letter to each other describing how they felt or, depending on their level of comfort, how they thought the other had changed. What Lydia didn't know was that Stiles was just as deep in love as she was. He just didn't realise.

They planned to meet each other at Lydia's later on in the day, at around eight or so in the evening. From there they would write the letters, and complete their scrap books. They would exchange their books and speak again the next day. Very uniformed, I know.

"Allison, I'm telling you nothing else is going to happen tonight. I just want to get this project done and avoid any confrontation about what happened that night." Lydia was on the phone to a very annoyed Allison, who really wanted Lydia to speak to Stiles about the party.

"Lyds, I love you, but you have got to stop avoiding this. It's something you both need to talk about and it's really irritating knowing that you like him and he obviously likes you but you're both too stubborn to do anything about it!" Lydia could practically see Allison's frantic hand movements. "Listen, Ali, he probably doesn't even care anyway." Yeah, and you're just crazy. Of course he cares! Lydia's mind nagged at her.

"I'll call you later, Ali. Love you." At that, Lydia hung up and started getting ready for school.

Lydia walked through the halls of BHHS trying to find her best friend. She was going to meet her at her locker, but she got a text.

When Lydia looked at her phone, she was confused to say the least. It was a text from Stiles saying "I'm sorry."

She had no idea what it meant and text him back, but no matter how much she text him or called him, he didn't reply. When she told Allison about it later that day Allison asked Scott what it could mean, but Scott just thought Stiles was being the usual him and was drunk.

Lydia didn't see Stiles all day, and when it got to the time that he had said he would show up, he wasn't there.

30 minutes, still no Stiles. An hour. Two hours. He didn't show up and Lydia was beginning to understand.

He sent that message because he didn't want to be with her. He didn't even want to be in the same room with her. At least that's what Lydia thought.

"No Ali, he's still not here. I don't think he's going to show up any time soon, either." Lydia had phoned her friend after she had waited for three hours for the boy to show up.

"Lydia, something isn't right. He showed feelings for you, but a lot has changed. Maybe just give him some time to cool off? I'll see if Scott knows anything. Get some sleep, Lydia." Allison tried her best to console her friend, but Lydia was just in a complete state of confusion.

She had text Stiles multiple time, left several missed calls and voicemails.

"Hey. It's Lydia, just wondering if you're going to show up tonight."

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