9 - Did Anything Happen?

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A/N: this is one of my favourite stydia videos right now, you guys should watch it because it's bomb af.
The night had passed by rather quickly, and when Lydia woke up at eight thirty in the morning, she was a little surprised to find a sleeping Stiles next to her.

"Stiles wake up." Lydia whispered quietly whilst shaking him gently. He groaned and rolled onto his side, making Lydia shiver from the loss of body heat. She could see the sun and the blue sky through the clear tent.

"Stiles..." Lydia drawled out, another attempt to wake him up. Again, he mumbled some incoherent words and Lydia knew she wouldn't be waking him up any time soon. Unless...

Lydia picked up one of her pillows and started hitting his back with it until he turned around and grabbed her wrists, unintentionally making her fall on top of him at the sudden contact.

"Wake up Stiles." Lydia grinned at him. The two were so close that their noses were barely touching, about a centimetre away.

"I'm awake, Lydia." Stiles whispered, his breath hot against her face. She could see him inching towards her face, but he stopped suddenly.

"Did you hear that?" Stiles asked. He slowly rolled Lydia off of his body, and sat up.

"Hear what?" Surely enough, when Lydia said that, they heard a twig snapping outside the tent.

"Lydia? Stiles?" A pair of familiar voices sounded from a few metres away from their tent. "We can see the jeep, so we know you're here, and the fact that a massive tent with a clear top is here, I know Lydia's there too." It was Allison and Scott. Of course. How convenient.

"Shall we get them?" Stiles asked Lydia, but only loud enough that only she could hear. Lydia just smirked. She had an idea, but Stiles probably wouldn't like it.

"I have a better idea..." Lydia whispered back. Suddenly, out of no where, Lydia let out a soft moan. Stiles' cheeks flushed red at the sudden noise, and looked at her with wide eyes. She let out another, a little louder this time.

"Lydia what the hell are you doing?" Stiles whispered, getting slightly embarrassed.

"Scott, do you hear that?" Allison's confused voice came from about four meters away from their tent.

"Oh Stiles, don't stop!" Lydia moaned out, causing Stiles to flush red with embarrassment. He couldn't look her in the eye, or he would surely pass out. Lydia saw the embarrassment on his face and let out a small giggle. They could hear footsteps getting closer to their tent, and as the footsteps got to just outside the tent, and you could practically hear Stiles embarrassment, Lydia let out a final moan, louder than anything Stiles has ever heard.

Allison ripped open the tent, wide eyed. All she saw was Lydia sitting cross legged staring up at her and Stiles face red with embarrassment. They were both in their pyjamas, so it was clear to her that they had camped out. Lydia burst out laughing at the scenario. There, infront of her, were three of her friends, stating at her with shocked faces.

"Oh my god, you should have seen your faces! It was so hilarious!" Lydia wiped a few tears from her eyes and grabbed her phone from her portable charger before walking out into the crisp morning air.

"Come on guys, you look like you've seen a ghost or something!" Lydia called to them as she got into the back of the jeep to get dressed into her normal clothes that she had packed.

"Now help me clear all this stuff up." Lydia gestured towards her three friends and then towards the tent.

Allison smiled at her best friend who had a smile plastered across her face whilst Scott and Stiles conversed about what just happened. She was proud of her. She was proud of Lydia. Lydia was finally happy.


"So how'd you guys know where we were, anyway?" Stiles asked Scott and Allison who were sat in the back of his jeep, Stiles and Lydia sitting in the front.

"Well, Scott went to yours but you weren't there, and your dad said you'd gone to Lydia's to do the project, but when we got to Lydia's, you guys weren't there either, so I looked in Lydia's room and saw a note that she'd left. She always leaves me notes, because I'm round there so often. And then I instantly knew where you guys would be camping because it's the spot where Lydia and I go all the time." Allison explained, causing Stiles and Lydia to laugh a little at her sudden outburst.

"Okay. Anyway, did anything happen between you that we should know of, since that whole moaning thing was a joke?" Scott said bluntly and Allison let out a giggle. Stiles scoffed and Lydia rolled her eyes. Stiles mumbled an I wish causing Lydia to look at him funny.

"What was that?" Lydia asked, curious.

"Oh, ah, nothing. I- it was nothing." Stiles coughed out. Scott knew what he said. He'd known about Stiles' little crush on Lydia since it started. He recalled the conversation he had with Lydia the day before the party.

"Lydia, can I ask you a question?" Scott said, keeping his eyes glued to his hands.

"Sure..." Lydia said, her cheeks beginning to go slightly red.

"Do you think Stiles will ever get a serious girlfriend? He's like my brother, and even though he acts like he doesn't want a girlfriend, I know he really wants a girl who he can take on actual dates and stuff, you know?" Scott continued.

"Well, maybe he isn't ready yet. Maybe he needs you to give him a jump start, like a 'go ahead' sign. It might seem crazy, but maybe you just need to find the right girl for him and introduce him to her. Maybe then he'll realize that life isn't just about tacky one-night stands and booze." She answered him slowly, unsure of her words.

"That's a good idea, Lydia, but the hard part is finding the right girl." Scott looked at Lydia, a smile on his face. He knew she would be the one to change him.

If any of them knew what was going to happen at the party, they wouldn't have invited Lydia. They all felt a little responsible, but Stiles felt the most guilt. If he'd have just stayed with her, maybe things would be different.

"Anyway!" Lydia said loudly, pulling Scott back to reality. "Who wants to listen to some music?" They all agreed on some songs to put on. They listened to music and laughed at stories about camping trips that Allison and Lydia had been on before until they all got back to Lydia's house.

"Do you guys wanna come in? We could do something tonight, I don't know. We could maybe watch a movie, or play poker... Get drunk?" Lydia smiled, causing them all to cheer. They went into her house, going straight to the kitchen and getting snacks and alcohol out. Before they could do anything, though, Lydia and Stiles had to put away all their project stuff and camping stuff, making sure to keep their scrap books hidden from one another.

"Okay, shall we get this party started?" Lydia asked with a big smile on her face as she walked into her living room, joining the three people already there.



This was a filler chapter ASF and I'm not really happy with it.

The next chapter has some games in. I'm confused because I have no idea what to do for the rest of the story I need help! Lmao.

Let me know what you think!

P.S do you like the new cover?


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