15 - Is That What You Think?

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The next morning, the two woke up next to each other. Stiles was the first one to wake up, and as Lydia slept there peacefully, he admired her. He admired the way her curls splayed across his chest as her head lay against him. He loved the way her brows furrowed when she dreamt, and how her nose twitched as she was about to wake up.

Lydia opened her eyes, and rolled her head farther into Stiles' chest. "What time is it?" She whispered, her voice soft.

"6:30" Stiles replied. She sat up and stared at him. He smiled and pulled her in for a kiss. It was a sweet, gentle kiss that held a thousand words. They knew they had to start getting ready for school soon, so they decided to start with a shower.

Whilst Lydia went and got towels for them both, Stiles made sure that the water was heated up enough for them.

When Lydia returned, they got into the shower. It wasn't a sexual thing, it was just love. They didn't even think about sex in that moment, they were too wrapped up in each other to think about anything but them. Stiles grabbed Lydia's shampoo and massaged it into her head as she leaned into him. She rinsed it out and conditioned her hair. The next thing Stiles did was wash her. He got her soap on his hands and he rubbed it into her skin. He did it gently and the small action was so full of love, it made Lydia tear up.

"Hey, hey. What's wrong?" Stiles got worried as he noticed her tears.

"Nothing, I just- we started off hating each other and then that night of the party when Jackson... and now we're here. I just love you so much." She gave him a small smile and he pulled her in for a hug. They stayed there, for at least ten minutes, before finishing up and getting out.

Stiles had had to put his clothes from last night on, because he had no time to go home and get changed. By the time Lydia had dried her hair it was already 7:15.

Lydia applied a small amount of make up which she did everyday. She applied a thin layer of foundation, light blush , some mascara and red lipstick and only applied a tiny amount of powder to her eyebrows.

She wore a white tank top that she tucked in to a deep red skater skirt. She wore her brown ankle boots and her brown shoulder bag that Allison had bought her for her birthday.

When she walked downstairs, Stiles stared at her like she was the most beautiful girl in the world, which to him, she was.

She walked up to him and kissed his cheek, going around him to get the coffee he had made her.

He just stood there, staring as she sipped the hot liquid, slightly wincing at the temperature. He could stare at her forever, and he didn't care if she saw. She was finally his.

I know, the whole thing seems cliché, but when it comes to these two, it's just meant to be. You see the thing is, Stiles hated himself for everything he had done. All the girls he had thrown away, and the times he had made Lydia upset. He hated himself for making her feel like he didn't care, when in reality, she was the only thing that mattered to him anymore.

"What?" Lydia questioned, finally noticing his gaze. "Nothing, you're just beautiful." And he meant it, he didn't say hot or sexy, because it wasn't just her looks that appealed to him. Lydia was everything to him. She was beautiful inside and out. She was loving and caring and everything that he wished he could be, and God did it scare him. She sent him a small smile, before walking over to him and wrapping her arms around his topless torso. She looked up into his eyes and kissed him gently. It was a kiss that held nothing but love and care, and it felt surreal to Stiles.

She walked away from him, grabbing her bag and throwing Stiles his shirt, before they walked out to his jeep. He stared at her one last time before buckling his seat belt and driving to school.
They pulled up, and Lydia was shaking.
"Hey, whats wrong?" Stiles took her hand and she turned her head. "Nothing, I'm just nervous is all." She flashed him a small smile and she had tears in her eyes. "Lyds, tell me, please." His face was full of concern and worry for this girl, and he never wanted her to feel they way she did now. Lydia paused before answering, pondering whether or not to tell the truth. "It-it's just that I'm scared. What if people say things? Like I'm only with you because you saved me. What if they stare or what if they don't like the thought of us together and what i-" she was cut off with a pair of lips against hers. He pulled away and stroked her cheek. "Lydia, there is nothing that those people in there will say that you should take to heart. I know why you're with me, and I know why I'm with you because I love you. I know that my past isn't exactly great and people will say things, yes, but damn, you've changed me. And I am so, so glad you have because I realise now just how important you are to me. And I love you Lyds, remember that." She chuckled and her tears halted, replaced with pure awe in her eyes as she held his hand on her face. "I love you too, Stilinski. Now come on, let's go."

Why Do You Like Me? - A Stydia AU (COMPLETE)Where stories live. Discover now