10 - Never Have I Ever

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As Lydia sat down with the others, shot glasses and tequila in hand, they all let out short cheers of agreement.

"Okay, we should play a game. Any suggestions?" Lydia asked. Allison smiled brightly at everyone and they all knew what was going to come out of her mouth.

"Never Have I Ever!" Allison shouted. They all knew that this would end very badly. Lydia laughed at her best friend before filling all of the shot glasses that she had brought in with alcohol. She lined them up in a straight line in the middle of their make shift circle.

"Okay, the rules are when it's your turn, you say something that you have never done, but don't say something that you don't think someone has done. If someone has done it, you take a shot. Whoever has the most shots at the end of the game has to run down the street and back again in their underwear screaming." Lydia explained. The boys looked at her like she was crazy whilst Allison was sat there smiling.

"What? Me and Lydia have played this countless times over the past month!" Allison laughed. "It's my turn first!" She continued. She had all eyes on her and everyone was waiting.

"I'll start with an easy one. Never have I ever failed an exam." Both Scott and Stiles downed a shot each, leaving eighteen remaining.

"Alright, you're up, Scotty." Allison told Scott. He had a grin on his face which could not mean something good. "Never have I ever thought about having sex with Lydia Martin." Scott was directly throwing this one at Stiles. Lydia blushed and hoped that no one in this room did think about having sex with her, but her embarrassment only grew when she saw Stiles take another shot. "Screw you Scott!" Stiles laughed.

"Never have I ever..." Stiles began. "Kissed Lydia." He finished and Allison took a shot. Scott and Stiles looked at the girls wide eyed and in shock. Lydia laughed at their faces whilst saying "What? We were twelve and curious!"

They continued playing and now it was Lydia's turn. "Never have I ever fell in love." Lydia had a tint of sadness to her face, and so did Stiles, but both Scott and Allison took a shot, causing the two to smile widely at each other. They were adorable,and all Lydia ever wanted was to have someone look at her the way that Scott and Allison look at each other, even in their tipsy state. She realized that maybe one day, she might have something like that. At least she hoped, anyway.

The game went on and eventually, everyone was a little more than tipsy. They lost track of who won, so Scott took it upon himself to run down the street in his underwear. When he got back, they didn't know what to do next, but Stiles had an idea.

"How about we play twister?" Everyone cheered and Lydia went to get out her old twister game. The first one to spin the spinner was Lydia. She ended up getting a 'right foot blue'. She almost lost her balance, considering she was drunk, but she managed to stay on her feet. Allison spun next, then Scott, then Stiles. As the game went on, Allison and Scott ended up tangled together, as did Lydia and Stiles. Stiles was in a crab position, with his hands by his head, his body off the floor and his legs at a 90 degree angle. Lydia, however, had one leg at the side of Stiles, and her hands at either side of his head. Lydia's last move was right leg-yellow, meaning she had managed to end up in a straddle position over Stiles' hips. Suddenly, as if like a reaction to the sudden closeness of the two, they fell and Lydia was lay on Stiles.

There were longing stares coming from the two and Scott and Allison could feel it and see it. It got awkward fast, so Scott cleared his throat and the two blushed before moving away from each other. Damn, Lydia thought, I'm never playing twister again.

The night went on, music playing and alcohol being drunk. Lucky it wasn't a school night, and it was a Saturday. They'd all have huge hangovers in the morning, but they were young and they only cared about right now.

When Scott and Allison left, it left Lydia and Stiles alone in her house. Lydia suddenly remembered that the third thing to do on their project was to capture a picture of the other one in a state of happiness or bliss. Stiles looked so happy, staring at Lydia's dog with a drunken smile, that she captured her picture. Little did she know Stiles had already got his when she was looking at the stars. She looked so beautiful in that moment and he was sure this little fireball was going to kill him someday.

"So, do you wanna stay over? You can't drive home drunk." Lydia said to Stiles as if she knew something bad might happen, and despite everything that's Halle ed, she still care for him.

"Sure, I'll get on the couch." Stiles replied. He blushed but he suppressed it so that Lydia couldn't see it.

"Okay well come upstairs and help me bring you some blankets and stuff." Lydia told him, before moving upstairs with Stiles following behind like a lost puppy.

Before getting his blankets, Lydia had to get into her pyjamas. She wore fuzzy pyjama bottoms and a thin tank top that Stiles thought about ripping off of her. She helped Stiles get the blankets before getting into her own bed.

As Stiles was about to leave her bedroom and turn off her light to go downstairs, he heard a slightly sleepy voice. It sounded like music in his ears, and he wished he could hear that sound for the rest of his mornings on this earth.

"Stiles?" Lydia asked, sleepily. "Yeah, Lydia?" He replied quietly, a headache ringing in his ears.

"Stay." A sleepy voice sounded from a pile of pillows.

"W-What?" Stiles stuttered.

"Stay, please." Lydia said again, softer this time. Stiles gulped, but he walked closer to the bed, taking his shoes and plaid shirt off on the way. He lifted the blanket up and crawled underneath and Lydia immediately cuddled into his side. He knew she was drunk, and he was too. Stiles was a little shaken. This was probably the first time he's been in a girls bed without, you know, doing something.

They were young and free but all they wanted to do right now was just be there.

The last thing Stiles heard before he slowly drifted off to sleep was a soft "thank you." Coming from Lydia's sleepy lips.

With reckless thoughts drifting through their minds, they flew off into a soft sleep together.


HELLO! sorry for taking so long to update, I've been having a hard time at school and home. Thank you all so much for the support!

How was this chapter? I feel like I should've done better. Ah well (:


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