11 - Breakfast

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Lydia was in a garden. It was big and full of beautiful flowers that had petals as big as her glossy green eyes. She was running with someone, Allison. They were running with the wind in their hair and they were free. They were so happy in that moment, and Lydia never wanted it to end.

"You know I love you, right Lyds?" Allison chimed from beside her as they lay in the grass.

"Of course I do. And I love you too, Allison. I never want to lose you. You're my best friend and I need you so much." Lydia said. A tear fell down her face because she knew what was about to happen. She didn't want it to happen, but it still happened. Every. Single. Time.

"I know Lyds. But I have to go. I'm tired." Allison rested her head on Lydia's shoulder and Lydia brought the girl in for an embrace. They laid there, until she could no longer feel the other girls soft breaths on her chest. She let tears fall. By now, Lydia was an expert at this. She's been through it so many times, she was scared that one day it might actually happen.

She hoped it didn't.

Lydia woke up from her dream, no - nightmare, in a fit of heavy breaths and a sweat stained forehead. She had tears in her eyes, she couldn't really see properly. Lydia had gotten used to this dream. It's always the same dream, but always with different people. Last time it was Scott, the time before that her mother. She dreaded the day it would be Stiles. It was like a carousel, going round and round each night. However, for the last few nights when she was with Stiles, like on the camping trip, she hadn't had the dream. It seemed a little sudden, the whole thing.

Speaking of Stiles... where was he? Because he definitely wasn't in the bed with Lydia right now like he was last night. All of a sudden, her memories came rushing back. The games, the drinking. Oh god, the drinking. She felt a wave of embarrassment wash over her.

She got out of bed, and noticed a glass of water on her bedside table along with some Advil. Thank God. She thought. Her head was killing her and she was suddenly grateful for the boy who's stayed with her last night.

She could smell something coming from the kitchen and she could hear Blink-182 playing from the speakers. The fact that they are one of her favourite bands made her smile. She got out of bed and walked downstairs. (It took her longer than expected because Lydia's house is practically a mansion) As she walked into the kitchen, her breath got stuck in her throat. There, making pancakes and making coffee, was a very shirtless Stiles Stilinski. His back and chest were toned and he had definitely been working out. His beaded necklace that was probably from his mother hung around his neck with a silver cross at the end. It made him look like a God.

Lydia felt a little underdressed, or rather overdressed. But she knew that he had good intentions for her.

"Oh, you're up. I didn't think you'd be up this early. H-how'd you're head?" Stiles was a little startled by Lydia's presence, but continued the pancakes non the less.

"Oh, uh, I'm- im good. Yeah. All good." Lydia blushed. For once a boy was actually asking how she felt and it made her feel... something.

"Sit, I made breakfast." Stiles said as he put some pancakes onto a plate and set them on the table, along with some syrup and forks. "I hope you don't mind."

"No, no, it's fine. It smells really good." Lydia started to take a bit of the pancakes and she closed her eyes and groaned slightly. "They taste so damn good, oh my god." She continued.

Stiles' face flushed read at the noises coming out of her mouth and he made a mental note to himself to make her pancakes more often.

"Thanks, uh, it's my mothers recipe." His voice dropped and so did Lydia's heart.

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