5 - What Is Wrong With You?

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Lydia woke up and suddenly she didn't want to do anything. She didn't want to go see Stiles. She didn't want to move. She could just lie in her bed all day, no one would care anyway; her mother wasn't in the country- she was off on some business trip- and her bestfriend was too wrapped up with her boyfriend. She had no one. She was alone.

Slowly and definitely nervously, she got dressed into some black leggings, converse and a jumper and headed out of her door. She'd only ever been to stiles house once for a party that she ended up leaving straight away because people were making fun of her. She cried all night.

It was somewhere around 8:50 PM, and Lydia was sat outside of Stiles house. She got out of her car and walked to his door. It looked homely, and she knocked. Once. Twice. Three times. No answer. She had just started to walk back to her car when she saw Stiles open the door. He was just pulling a grey shirt over his head and he motioned for her to come in. Even he looked nervous.

His house definitely looked a lot better without beer cups and trash bags all over the floor, with pictures of him and his mom and his dad hanging on the walls. His mom wasn't around anymore, and it made Lydia's heart tighten.

"So Lydia... You okay?" Stiles asked as he led her up the stairs and into his bedroom. He wasn't in any way, shape, or form prepared for this, but neither was she. "Yeah, it's not like I nearly got raped or anything, not like I got called horrible names over the past few weeks, not like I haven't cried myself to sleep every now and then but hey, we're all a little broken, aren't we?" She let a tear fall from her eye. Stiles just looked at her with sympathy in his eyes. No, this is all just one of his tricks. Don't fall prey to his predatory ways. Lydia immediately thought to herself.

"Lydia, I'm sorry. I really am. And I don't wanna sound like a jerk here, but I actually need your help. I have this big biology test coming up so I thought maybe...you could help me study?" Has he seriously just said that? Lydia immediately stopped feeling sad and all that was left inside of her was hatred and rage. She'd sat in her house, alone, for the past few weeks and he wants her to help him study? Lydia had changed a lot in that time, so she knew she had to stand up for herself.

"No, you know what, Stilinski, I won't help you study. I came here tonight because I genuinely thought you cared about me. I came because I thought you wanted to check up on me. But no, you're barely any different from Jackson! You think that just because you stopped him that night, I should bow down to you and wash your shoes whilst you listen to Coldplay on your nasty little headphones? It's not my fault that your grades are falling just because you're out slagging it up every other night behind your girlfriends back!" Lydia was practically yelling now and Stiles was taken aback. He looked quite scared, if I do say so myself, but that's not the point.

"I'm not just another girl who will do everything for you just because your hot. I honestly thought you weren't like this, Stiles. Do you even care how I feel? I was in an abusive relationship for three years Stiles! I was pushed around school and made fun of and bullied all because you and Jackson made rumors about me every other day! You don't get to see how I feel! You are just another fucking dickhead who needs to keep his little one inch penis in his pants for five goddamn seconds!"

She ran a shaking hand through her strawberry blonde locks and apologized for yelling. She shouldn't have, but she did. Stiles bowed his head and he had no idea what to say to her. He should apologize, but because he's Stiles Stilinski, if anyone found out about Lydia then his reputation would be ruined and he did not want that. So he stood up and walked towards her.

"Lydia, you've been cooped up in that room for too long feeling sorry for yourself and it's pathetic! Maybe if you didn't let this happen then we wouldn't be here right now!" Stiles started getting closer and closer to her, while his words practically fell out of his mouth.

"You think this is my fault? That the party was my fault? Stiles, I have basically become a different person since that night. I won't be walked all over anymore by you or anyone else." Lydia took a step and suddenly they were inches apart, their noses barely touching. "I just hope that Malia finally finds someone better than you, because she is a nice girl. She doesn't deserve any of this." After letting a final tear escape her eye, Lydia stormed out of Stiles' room and slammed the door behind her. When she got back to her car, she rang Allison to invite her over for a girls night.

Stiles felt his heart explode. He didn't mean to say all these things to Lydia. See, the thing with Stiles was that he wasn't a bad boy. Beneath his little facade, he was a fragile little boy who actually cared about people. He never let it show because he enjoyed the attention that he never had in his past.

He sat down at his desk and poured himself a glass of hard liquor. He had to change. He wasn't going to be the guy to break Lydia Martins heart.



Okay but HAVE YOU ALL SEEN THE NEW TRAILER FOR SEASON SIX?!!! FUCKING STYDIA!!!!!!! okay but seriously if everyone forgets my little baby stiles I will legitimately cry.

I feel like this story is getting no where but I am determined to finish it!

I will try to update again tonight, but if I can't, then I'll update tomorrow!

I love you all and thanks for reading :)

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