4 - Denial

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The days after the party and the incident with Stiles and Jackson, Lydia just stayed in bed. She was practically terrified of every noise she heard and was still traumatised. She hadn't had any calls or texts from Stiles, but that's what she expected. Why would a hot guy like him care about a girl like her? She'd constantly push these thoughts out of her head only for them to return hours later.

She wasn't ready to go back to school, or back to anywhere. She literally just wanted to stay in bed all day for the next year. Her mother was off on some business trip like she always was and her dad wasn't around anymore, so she was alone in the Martin household.

Allison would text her everyday to make sure she was okay, but Lydia refused to let Allison see her in such a vulnerable state, despite them being best friends. Lydia didn't like feeling weak. In fact, she hated it. So every time Allison offered to check in, she declined and told her "I'll be alright on my own." Not that Allison believed it, though.

Scott would text her every now and then, asking if Stiles had text her, but he wouldn't be surprised whenever she said no.

Her 'lazy days' as Lydia would call them pretty much consisted of Fall Out Boy or Panic! At The Disco blaring from the speakers, just to drown out the flashbacks in her head. She was a train wreck of tears and memories. She laughed to herself when "Thanks For The Memories" by Fall Out Boy started playing.

She'd spend hours on end doing extra homework or studying or just browsing Instagram, looking for a way to pass the time. She even went to the extent of consuming alcohol to calm her nerves, but she got tired of that after two days. It wasn't like her to do that at all, but she just needed to numb the emotional pain.

She spent a total of two weeks cooped up in her bedroom, just thinking and processing what had happened.


The night after the party was stressful. Lydia had to go to the Sheriffs station to talk about what happened. Allison had rang the Sheriff, but she only wanted to help Lydia. Jackson was there, too, and he was staring at Lydia like she was a piece of meat. He felt no remorse. He was the definition of a sociopath.

Lydia had to be questioned separately to Stiles and Jackson, which was a good thing. She couldn't stand being around Jackson, and she barely wanted to be around Stiles, considering she practically left him at her door without a word.

There were four people in her interview room: the Sheriff, a deputy called 'Jordan Parrish', a lawyer and herself. She was nervous, anyone could tell.

She sat fidgeting at the small table in the room, silently cursing Allison. Lydia wasn't a trouble maker, she'd never been to the Sheriffs station. She knew Allison was only trying to help, but she hated things like this.

"Lydia I just want to remind you that you don't have to answer questions that make you feel uncomfortable. You can leave when you wish, but if you want to stop Jackson, you need to answer some questions for us." The sheriff began.

"You should also know that I asked my son about it because Allison told me he was there." At the mention of Stiles, she really regretted agreeing to come down here. How would it look if people found out that Stiles Stilinski saved Lydia Martin?

"We'll start when you're ready, we don't want to push you."

"Okay, I'm ready." Lydia said with a sad smile.

"Can you tell me where you were exactly on the night of 9th April?"

"I was at a party, I don't exactly remember the address, though. It was a big house, definitely some popular kid from school." She felt a little more relaxed, but she was visibly tense.

"That's fine. Were you there with anyone who witnessed the incident, like a date or a group of friends?" The sheriff just had to ask this question. She tightened her grip on the edge of her seat. Why did she feel so uncomfortable saying that she went with Stiles?

"Well, Allison invited me and she was there with Scott. They got Stiles to pick me up but when we got there he got dragged away by Malia. Then when Jackson was taking me upstairs, I saw Stiles. I mouthed a question, asking him to help, so he did. He rang Allison then took me home." Lydia let a single tear roll down her cheek at the memory.

The sheriff looked at Lydia with sad eyes and told her she didn't have to go in if she didn't want to. Lydia simply smiled and said it was okay.

"Can you tell me everything that happened, in order? It'll be very helpful."

Lydia swallowed. Suddenly her whole throat went dry. "Um- sure, yeah. Okay. Well Stiles picked me up for the party around ten I think. We drove to the party and when we got there, Allison and Scott went to dance and Malia found Stiles and dragged him outside, so I was left on my own. I figured I'd just get a drink, sit on my phone for the rest of the night. I'd never been to a party before, so I had no idea how to act. I started to drink a little more and the next thing I remember I was dancing on tables and telling Ally to go find Scott. She did, and then I felt a pair of rough, calloused hands on my hips. I knew who it was as soon as I turned around. He had a look of desperation in his eyes, but not the sweet kind, it was more evil." Lydia paused for a moment to take a breath. She heard the constant clicking of the tape recorder and oddly, it settled her nerves a little.

The sheriff, deputy and lawyer were waiting patiently and the lawyer placed a reassuring hand on Lydia's.

"I kept trying to get him off of me but he was too strong. And then that's when he took me upstairs. When Stiles got to us, he knocked Jackson out and took me home."

Lydia just burst into tears. The sheriff conversed with the deputy and told Lydia she could leave. As she was leaving the station, she noticed Jackson in handcuffs being lead to a police van and Stiles was speaking to his dad. She got in the car and drove home.


She lay in bed replaying the events when her phone silently buzzed on the bedside table. She solemnly got up and checked it. She had a text off the least person she expected to text her.

Hey Lyds, hope ur ok. Come by mine tomorrow @ 9PM? -stiles x

She was confused to say the least, but she didn't question it. Lydia Martin went to sleep that night with a grin on her tear stained face, only imagining what could happen.


So this was kind of a filler chapter! I'm sorry for not updating for nearly 2 months but I had massive writers block with this story. I've got an idea in mind for what will happen next, so stick around ;)

I also wanted to say that any kind of sexual harassment or anything that someone doesn't like is terrible. It should be stopped and if anyone needs anyone to talk to, I'm always here.

don't forget to comment what you think and vote! Ily all😜

Why Do You Like Me? - A Stydia AU (COMPLETE)Where stories live. Discover now