6 - Change

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"He said that?!" Allison was halfway through a tub of chocolate ice cream whilst Lydia endulged in a book. The girls had stayed up till three AM and were now watching movies whilst Lydia told Allison about the events that happened earlier.

"He just doesn't understand..." Lydia replied, barely whispering. What he'd said had really hit her hard. He thought she was a geek, and she didn't want that. She wanted change. She'd been doing a lot of thinking lately, so she knew what she wanted. She just didn't know where to start.

"Allison?" Lydia sprung up from her place on the bed, startling Allison a little. "Do you want to go shopping? I need some new clothes. Oh, and will you grab a few trash bags from the kitchen?" Lydia continued speaking whilst walking to her closet. "Sure..." Allison furrowed her brows, but obeyed Lydia none the less.

When Allison walked back into the room, she stopped in her tracks. "Uhm, Lydia..." Lydia's clothes from her closet and draws were all over the floor. All her shoes were, too. The floor was now a pool of dress shirts and pants, knee length skirts as trainers. Lydia was sat in the middle of it all looking quite satisfied. There were no clothes in the wardrobe or draws, and even all of her underwear was been thrown out, too.

"Lydia what the hell? I leave the room for two minutes and I come back to this? Honestly, what do I do with you?" Allison laughed before helping Lydia bag all of the unwanted clothes. It took them around 20 minutes in total.

"So, what's the plan, and why are you getting rid of all of your clothes?" Allison asked whilst taking a sip of water. "Well Im just guess I'm tired of being this shy girl who doesn't fit in." Lydia replied quietly. Allison opened her arms for Lydia and Lydia gladly accepted the embrace. This is why she loved Allison, she was always there for her.

"Thank you, Ally."



A few hours at thee mall and Lydia had about ten bags on each arm, while Allison had about five on each arm. They went from Macy's to Forever 21 and Victoria's Secret. Lydia had at lease forty new outfits and around thirty pairs of matching underwear - mostly lace, but some normal ones - with God knows how many pairs of sunglasses, necklaces and bags. She also purchased an endless amount of heels, flats and pumps. Needless to say, Lydia's parents were loaded.

Allison was quite shocked but proud of her friend. She had to be there for Lydia and support her decisions.

Allison came out with a little less than Lydia but still a lot. Lydia had insisted that she paid for it all.

The duo decided to take a coffee break at the nearest Starbucks in the mall and as soon as they walked in, all heads turned to stare at the two girls with shocked looks, obviously taken aback by their endless shopping bags. Lydia may have new clothes, but she still had her personality. Her cheeks went red and she gave a shy smile and sat down with Allison.

"We bought a lot, didn't we?" Allison giggled lightly. "Well yeah, the total amount was...." Lydia added up all the money that they'd spent in her head. After all, she was the smartest in her school. "$3067.89." Allison stared at her, her jaw practically against the table. "Lydia, do you even have that much money?!"

"Yeah, my mom and dad are always trying to suck up to me after my dad left and my moms never here. They think they can win back my heart with money, but they can't undo the damage they caused." Lydia stated truthfully. It was heartbreaking to see Lydia like this but Allison understood.

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