8 - The Stars and the Moon

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It was the first day of the project and it was currently four in the afternoon. Lydia and Allison had just got home from school and the two were lay across Lydia's bed doing homework.

"I want to forgive him, Ally, but if he keeps acting like a dick then how am I supposed to?" Lydia said dryly. Allison just chuckles whilst she started getting her stuff together. "Lydia if he wants to be friends with you then he wouldn't act like a dick. Maybe he's just not worth your time. Anyways, I gotta go meet Scott, I'll see you tomorrow?" Allison got up of the bed and started walking out the door.

They said their goodbyes and Lydia grabbed out her phone. She was scrolling through her Instagram account when she received a text message.

From; Stiles

Hey Lydia... We need to make a start on the project. Is it alright if we do it at yours tonight at around eight?
Read: 4:26pm.

From; Lydia

Stilinski we can't 'do it' tonight, at least take me on a date first😉
Read: 4:28pm.

Lydia didn't know where her confidence had come from in that last text, but she saw an opportunity for a joke, so she took it.

From; Stiles

Haha. You know what I meant. Anyway can we start the project tonight or are you busy?
Read: 4:31pm.

From; Lydia

No I'm not busy, come round at 7:30? And bring your supplies. We'll make a start on this whole 'get to know your partner' thing.
Read: 4:35pm.

From; Stiles

Sounds great, see you then.
Read: 4:36pm.

Lydia didn't regret saying yes, but she did feel uneasy. She was putting up a facade and underneath she was just a shy girl with a strong love for books.

Truth is, Lydia was still shaken up about the whole Jackson thing, but she wouldn't let it control her. I am stronger than he thinks. I can do what I want without having to fear him. She thought to herself. Now all she had to do was plan for the night ahead.


The project was titled 'A Relationship Based on Secrets.' The title basically symbolised that friendships and maybe possible relationships were going to be made through out this project but it was going to be secretive. Neither partner was allowed to know what the other was writing in the others scrap book and they weren't allowed to look through each other's.

The rules were simple.

1. With each activity you will do your own thing. All activities will involve spending time with your partner.

2. You must keep the scrap book secret from your partner and at the end of the project, in exactly one month, you will look through the scrap books to see what your partner has written/photographed about you.

3. All activities must be completed and there are ten all together.

Lydia ran over the rules in her head as she read them off the first paper that the teacher gave them.

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