14 - You Promise?

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Stiles set off for Lydia's house, dead set on getting his feelings across. For the past few years, he'd been a popular jock. He'd played with girls and partied all night but this girl, this fiery girl made him different. He lost interest in all these other girls and didn't find going to a party as fun if he wasn't with Lydia. He didn't understand it, but I'll tell you what it was. It was love.

He had become accustomed to the twists and turns that lead him to Lydia, after all their nights together. He didn't know if she was awake or even at home, but this night was the night. It was the night he would put his past behind him, for good. The night he would finally get the girl he really wanted.

It only took him five minutes to get to Lydia's, it usually takes fifteen, but he was so determined, so ready to tell this girl everything that he just couldn't go any slower.

He jumped out of his battered jeep, and ran up to her door. He noticed her bedroom light was still on, and her mother probably wasn't home. It was now or never. He knocked on the door, louder than he would have liked, but it didn't matter right now. He heard foot steps coming towards the door, and he started to turn around, afraid of what would happen. But he stopped dead in his tracks when he heard the door swing open and and heavy sigh come from the most perfect girl he had ever laid eyes on. He turned slowly, and it was evident that she hadn't noticed him yet.

"Look, I don't know what you ne-" she stopped. She seemed to realise who it was.

She looked at Stiles, her heart beating like a drum in her aching heart. A million things were running through her mind right now, such as what was he doing there?

Stiles studied her face. Her pink cheeks and reddened nose. Her smudged mascara under her beautiful eyes that was the only evidence of tears. He made her cry? His heart sunk and he started to breathe quicker.


"No. I don't want to hear it. Let me speak." She cut him off, and he slowly nodded.

"Where have you been, Stiles? I called you. More than once. And you've been ignoring my texts? Did I do something wrong? Was it because I slept with you? I don't understand."

"No, Lydia, it wasn't you. I'm so sorry I let you think that. God, I'm such a dumbass! I should have been there tonight. I should have been there. The truth is, I was afraid. Lydia you have made me feel things that I have never felt before. You've changed me, and I don't know what to do. I love you okay? I freaking love you so much that Im scared to be with you in case I hurt you! You're the best thing to happen to me since my mom died. And I didn't realise until now. I got your letter. I read it over and over." He took a step closer to her.

"I want you, Lydia. God, I want you like I've never wanted anyone else. I love you. I just- I don't know if I'm good for you."

She stared at him as he stepped close, his face inches from hers. She put her hand on his face and smiled a small smile that told him everything. And then it happened.

She pulled him against her and smashed her lips against his. It was euphoric, passionate and wild. They stumbled backwards into Lydia's house, and Stiles picked her up and swung her around. They pulled away, just for a second to stare into each other's eyes. She let out a laugh that rung in his ears. He put her down gently and kissed her again.

"Can I ask you something?" The strawberry blonde whispered into the empty air.

"Sure. Anything." Stiles smiled at her, even though he was feeling nervous.

"Is this for real? Like are we together? And if we are is it going to be like an actual couple in public? Or will we hide it from school? Because I don't want to keep it a secret, I want the whole school to know that Stiles Stilinski is finally mine and I-" Stiles cut off her rambling with a soft kiss. He couldn't believe what he was hearing. He'd made her think that he'd want to hide her? No. He would never, ever hide this girl again. She was the only one he wanted. And he had to make sure everyone knew that.

"Lydia Camille Grace Martin. You are the best thing to ever happen to me and I will never hide you from anyone. I swear I will be the best boyfriend I can be just to make you happy, because seeing you happy will put a smile on my sorry face any day. I love you, Lydia. And I don't care who knows it."

That was all it took for Lydia to lead him to her bedroom and rid him of his clothes.

That night, necks were kissed and promises were made. Looks exchanged and skin mapped. It was just the two of them, and no one was ever going to come between them.

They couldn't quite explain it, but they both had a feeling that this would last. That this, was forever. And nothing was going to get in the way of that. Ever.


Well shit guess who's sorry that this is a shitty filler chapter: me.
Alsoooo this is the second to last chapter and then I will be doing the epilogue. I plan to make it long(ish) so that the story isn't cut short or anything.
So yeah, see you next time :)

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