7 - Classes and Apologies

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As Monday morning rolled around, Lydia realised she might not be as ready for school as she thought. In a matter of days, Lydia's wardrobe had gone from girl who can barely say hi, to girl who isn't afraid to get what she wants. Even though this is something she had to do to make herself feel stronger and happier, it made her the slightest bit uncomfortable.

She got ready anyway, still feeling awkward and shy but ready none the less. She rolled out of bed and headed towards the shower where she took half an hour. She needed to clear her head and this was the perfect opportunity. When she got out she dried her hair and put on some light makeup. She walked over to her newly filled wardrobe and looked at all her clothes. For a moment, she was shocked because she kind of expected to see her old clothes, but of course she was greeted with the new her.

She opted for a white crop top that may have shown a little more skin than she intended. She wore a black skater skirt and black ankle heels. She looked good in her new clothes and she felt good too. She was still nervous about walking into school, though.

As she walked downstairs she grabbed her school bag. Her mom wasn't downstairs as she was still on her "business trip", though Lydia knew she was shacking up with some random guy ever since her and her father have been having problems.

Lydia decided to skip breakfast and just headed straight out to her car. She also had to pick Allison and Scott up on her way so she needed to hurry.

She was pulling up to Scott's as she honked her horn. She saw Scott run out of his house and down to her car. As he hopped into the passenger seat of Lydia's brand new Toyota, his eyes widened.

"Okay, either you're not Lydia or I missed something." Scott said. Lydia let out a light chuckle and started to pull out of his drive. She told him the whole story on the way to Allison's, and he simply replied with "I'm proud of you, Lydia."

The two continued talking about random things until they picked Allison up, where Allison made Scott get in the back so she could tackle Lydia into a bear hug I'm the front seat because she was so happy for her best friend. Lydia felt confident.

When Lydia started driving again, they fell into a comfortable silence until they reached the school. Lydia was hesitant at first, but as her mind drifted to stiles and how little he thought of her, she had to do this. She needed this. Her, Allison and Scott got out of the car and walked up to the front doors of the school.

"You sure you're ready?" Allison and Scott asked her. She nodded her head and opened the doors. She expected everyone to keep walking, but as soon and this doors opened, everyone stopped and stared. She felt good but slightly nervous. She lifted her gaze from the floor, but as soon as she looked up she immediately wished she hadn't. Her emerald green eyes met a pair of golden, whiskey eyes that seemed to be open wide at the sight of her. She froze momentarily, before looking at Allison, then back to Stiles (purposely brushing her butt against his thigh) as she strut off to her first class of the day, Life Studies. She knew she had this class with Stiles, so she couldn't help but feel nervous, for the hundredth time that morning.

Stiles just stared after her like a lost puppy until Malia came up by his side and kissed his cheek telling him to meet her after school, since they had none of their classes together. Stiles and Lydia on the other hand had four out of six classes together.


As Lydia found her seat in her first period, Stiles came walking through the door like the bad boy he is, laughing with his friends about being late. He subtly glanced at Lydia without her knowing and continued to his seat on the other side of the room.

"Alright class, to start the last month of this dreaded school term, we will be doing a partners project." The whole class was happy about this until she carried on speaking. "However, I will be picking your partners based on who I think will work together." Miss Blake announced and the whole group groaned simultaneously.

"Allison, you're with Scott."
"Greenburg, with Jessica."

She continued off ranting pairs and when she got to the final four, Lydia was hoping she'd get stuck with Danny, but I guess you could say that luck wasn't on her side today.

"Stilinksi, you're with Lydia." The two exchanged a glance where Lydia looked seemingly pissed and Stiles looked rather content.

"Everyone, swap seats and go sit next to your partners." Miss Blake ordered them.

Stiles made his way over to Lydia's table with a smug look on his face. Oh, he was going to have fun teasing her.

"Okay class. This project is going to be based on human behaviour. More specifically teenagers. You will document your partners growth in a sort of scrap book, but your partner isn't allowed to see it until the end. You will each get a scrap book and a set of instructions and activities. At the end of the month you will swap scrap books with your partner and read what you have said about each other. I'll hand everything you need out now."

Lydia played with the hem of her skirt whilst the teacher handed their equipment out. They each got a scrap book, a camera, a set of activities and instructions and a sheet of paper regarding the rest of the project. For the rest of the lesson they all read what they were supposed to do whilst Lydia mentally cursed her teacher out. To say this would be awkward would be an understatement.

As the bell rang and students began to file out of the room, Stiles grabbed Lydia's arm before she could run away.

"Listen Lydia, I'm sorry for what I said the other night and I really didn't mean it. What I said was stupid but I hope we can be friends, for the sake of getting good grades?" He said the last part like it was a question and Lydia rolled her eyes at him.

"Yeah, what you said hurt. And only for the sake of the project." She said before he released his grip and she left the room.

The rest of the day was spent with Lydia getting compliments about her new look and everyone staring at her. She didn't mind it, but she just could wait to get home and watch The Walking Dead.

Hell, this was going to be a long month.


Word count- 1160.

Thank you guys for reading this story and hey! I finally updated...

I have things planned for the next few chapters and I've included Lydia's outfit at the top as well as the chapter song.

If you feel like this story is going to quickly, please please please tell me lmao.

I love you all and I'll update again soon,

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