Part III

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Kier’s POV

I was rudely awoken the next morning by a policeman standing in front of the cell, glaring down at me.

“Kemp?” He voiced plainly.

I nodded drowsily, rubbing my eyes and yawning.

“There is a Mr Beveridge waiting for you.” He said, opening the cell doors, allowing me to walk out. I was told to get out of my clothes, straight away. Thankfully I wore my top and jeans underneath them, and given back my boots. He then returned my Labret stud to me and walked me out the prison and into the offices. Once entering the room I was met with Laurence, his back turned to me leaning his upper body over a desk. A policeman led me towards him.

“Fill out these forms regarding a fine and you’ll be ready to go.”

Fuck, I forgot about a fine.

“O-Okay.” I croaked, walking towards Laurence and he turned to face me. I grinned widely at him, only to be met with a scowl. Oops.

I scribbled my signature on a few forms, not really reading what they said, only stopping when a few confusing empty boxes turned up to fill them in properly.

“Okay, Mr Kemp, you’re free to go.” The female police officer told me, and then turned to face Laurence. “The payment shall be taken from your account within the next few days.” Laurence nodded then thanked her. 

We felt the station in silence, Laurence glaring at the floor. I didn’t feel like talking, I wasn’t in the mood to get my face bitten off. Laurence unlocked the car and I sat in the passage seat quietly. I didn’t spark up conversation until we got on the road.

“S-So, Ho-” I began only to be interrupted by a screaming Laurence.

“Don’t even start, Kier! How could you be so stupid?!” He yelled, not taking his eyes off the road.

“I didn’t mean to! I didn’t hear anyone behind me!” I replied, trying to keep my voice calm and even.

“Didn’t hear them? Are you deaf as well as dumb?!”

I scowled at him.

“I was too angry to obey anyone, even if I did hear them I wouldn’t have stopped.” I muttered, looking out the window to the left of me.

“Who could have gotten you so angry?” Laurence asked, lowering his voice to a mumble.

“It was Jay, you know, Jay Williams?”

“Jay? As in, Shane’s Jay?”

“Yeah.” I nodded. Looking across at Laurence confused as I watched where he was driving, he pulled over to the side of the road then slowing the car to a halt.

“Are you fucking mental?” Laurence quizzed, looking over at me. “You could have been killed!”

“I can look after myself; I’m stronger than you think, Laur.” I responded, gently.

Laurence laughed bitterly. “Oh please, you struggle with the Van door!”

I folded my arms, pouting and looked the other way. Laurence sighed loudly.

“I was worried, Kier. You could have been seriously hurt.” Laurence said softly. I smiled. Turning around to face him in my seat I grabbed his hands, stroking them softly.

“Hey, I’m okay. I wasn’t hurt.” He looked up at me, stray tears making their way down to his jawline. “I can’t say the same for him though.” I winked, making Laurence giggle. I leant in slowly, kissing away the tears that were creeping down his beautiful face, making him blush slightly, then met my lips with his. Kissing him gently I felt him pull away.

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