Part IV

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Shane’s POV

Drew Woolnough told me he loves me. Drew Woolnough is in love with me, and is kissing me. What do I do? I felt myself subconsciously begin to kiss back, loving the feeling of his lips on my own. Drew’s lips were soft and gentle, like nothing I’ve ever experienced before. Jay’s lips were the opposite of Drew’s, his were chapped and rough, and he always forced himself onto me. Drew was different, he was shy and seemed to be restraining slightly, as if he was cautious of what he was doing. Our lips fitted together perfectly, and my eyes fluttered shut, melting into him. I felt my hand subconsciously reach to his face a cupped his cheek. That’s when I was propelled into reality. Fear struck me hard at the realisation of what was happening, I couldn’t do this. I couldn’t get hurt again. I opened my eyes and pulled away, meeting Drew’s look of disappointment; soon turning into terror.

“Oh god, Cy. I’m so sorry.” He babbled. I shook my head but he carried on. “No, really, that was totally out of order; I don’t know what came over me.”

“Drew.” I whispered simply and he stopped talking and looked at me. I noticed his glassy eyes, and immediately felt sympathy for the smaller boy.

“It’s okay.” I said with the same tone, attempting to reassure him, but he shook his head. “I’m just not ready yet.”

“I know and after what you just told me, I really shouldn’t have forced myself on you like that.” Drew grabbed his hair and pulled, frustrated with himself. “I can’t believe I just did that; how can I be so insensitive?”

I reached out and grabbed his hands, gently prying them from his head and held them in my own.

“It’s okay.” I repeated. “Besides, I liked it.” I mumbled.

Drew’s head shot up to my own, where it was previously staring down at our hands in awe.


I nodded. “Really, b-but I think we should take things slow.” He nodded in agreement. “J-Just keeping things as they are for a while.”

Drew nodded again. “Of course, whatever you feel comfortable with, Cy.”

I smiled shyly at him, which he returned.

Yet while I was talking to Drew all I thought about was that kiss we shared, and how much I longed for it to happen again.

We sat in silence for a while, staring away from each other, blushing furiously at the memory of what happened just minutes before.

“Drew?” I whispered, I didn’t trust my voice if I were any louder.

“Yes, Cy?” Drew replied, equally as quiet.

“I want to change. I want to forget the past few years and start again.” I admitted. It was the truth. I wanted to be who I was before Jay, I wanted to change; for Drew.

Drew smiled widely at me, nodding. “I’ll help you Shane, it’s going to be okay. No one is going to hurt you anymore.” He said pulling me into his lap, arms around me protectively. I snuggled into his warmth, feeling safe in his arms.

“Promise?” I mumbled into his shirt.

“I Promise.” He confirmed and I smiled.

Over the next few days things have changed a lot in the Fearless Vampire Killers household. After telling Drew that I wanted to change I have tried my hardest to make things go back to ‘normal’. Yes, I had a few slip ups; for instance, this morning when Luke called me Shane, I cowered away for about an hour until Drew came and talked some sense into me. Ah, Drew, he’s helped me so much.  He would wake me up in the morning and talk to me until I felt prepared to get out of bed and face the day. He would bring me food; mostly I forget to eat, he’d even get me back into the routine of looking after myself. When depressed I tended to ignore the simple things such as personal hygiene but Drew’s helped me so much with getting back into the swing of things. I really am starting to fall for the small blond.

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