Part X

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Shane's POV

He was there. He was there, I know he was. I couldn’t see him but I could hear him; laughing, joking, mocking. I think I heard a woman's voice too, but I'm not certain whether she was with him or somewhere else in the restaurant. Who am I kidding? I bet he was surrounded by girls. Blonde curly hair, big breasts hanging over their strap tops and orange faced due to plastering on makeup. What was I thinking? Why would he ever have felt something towards someone like me? Skinny, timid and male.

Running down the lowly lit backstreets I turned off into a darkened alleyway. Leaning against the cold wall I began to try and regain my shortened breath. I must have been running for a while, I didn’t know how long I was running for but I had a vague idea of where I was, it was only roughly 20 minutes away from the flat. I was just unfit. Leaning my head against the wall I began to rethink my options; should I go back? Will Drew still be there? Does he hate me now? I wouldn’t be surprised if he did, I was a terrible person. Why would Drew ever love someone like me? All I do is cause him more pain. Drew deserved better. Biting my lip to stop myself from crying, I pulled myself from the wall. Drew doesn’t need someone like me. I should back off and leave him to find someone better.

I dragged myself down the paths back to the flat, treading through the streets and hugging my arms around myself from the harsh wind. Once finally reaching the flat I shakily unlocked the door and entered, shrugging off my coat and hanging it on the rack by the door.

"Timids?" Laurence’s voiced sounded from a different room. I bit back my reply, not trusting myself to open my mouth. Laurence was going to hate me.

"Hello?" Luke’s voice boomed soon after and I heard the sound of soft footsteps gradually getting closer until Kier’s form appeared from around the corner, looking cautious until he noticed it was only me.

"Oh hey, Shane!" He spoke in his usual cheery voice, giving me his signature grin to match.

"H-Hey Kier, nice day?" I mumbled. I knew it was stupid to cover up, he could read me like a book.

"What's up? Where's Drew?" He asked straight away, suddenly becoming cautious again.

"I-I umm, don't know." I mumbled again, part of me hoping he wouldn't hear me and I could walk away and forget this ever happened.

"Don't know? W-What you mean? Is everything okay, did you fight?" Kier shook his head in confusion.

"What's going on?" Laurence appeared down the hallway, walking up to us and standing next to Kier. "Hey, where's Drew?"

I lowered my head in shame, not wanting them to know what a terrible person I am. I was so ashamed of what I did, but I didn’t know what else to do. I had to escape.

"You left him." Laurence confirmed as I raised my head slightly, staring at my fellow bandmates through my blond fringe to be met with Laurence’s his disgusted face and Kiers bewildered one.

"I-I-" I started.

"You left him?!" Laurence’s raised voice cut me off, making me jump.

"I'm sorry I-"

"He set this up for you, he'd planned this to prove to you how much he fucking loves you and you leave him?!"

I bit my lip once more, pressuring myself to not start crying. It was neither the time nor the place for that.

"You heartless bastard! Does he even know you left?"

"Laurence stop." Kier whispered next to him as I shook my head to answer his question.

"You're pathetic! How could you do that to him?! He's your best friend; he bloody loves you to pieces! He'd never hurt you, never! Or are you just too wrapped up in your own life to notice that?"

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