Part VII

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The rest of the day went by smoothly, Kier and Laurence had agreed to stop all thoughts on me going to the police; for how long though I can’t be sure. I know I am a victim of Domestic Abuse, anyone can see that from just looking at me, I’m a fucking mess, but I’m doing something about it; starting now.

When I woke up the next morning I felt different, I felt happy. I felt like a great weight had been lifted from my mind and for the first time in a long time, I felt ready to begin my day. Deciding to get out of bed was easy decision for once, I felt alive. Smiling widely I lifted myself from my mattress and into the bathroom across the hall from my bedroom. I quickly had a shower and treaded back into my bedroom and got dressed as quietly as I could. I’d decided to make Drew breakfast today. He’s done so much for me and never asked for anything in return so I thought that making him breakfast was the least I could do. I walked groggily in the kitchen and stood in the centre of the room. Now, what should I make? Walking over to the fridge I opened it gently, scanning around the inside in search of something that I thought Drew would like. We didn’t have much; I don’t think any of us had gone shopping in a few weeks. Well, I know I certainly hadn’t. I think Drew and Kier went a few days ago, but it doesn’t look like they bought anything of importance. I picked up a packet of bacon rashers and checked the best before date. Hmm, it’s still in date for a few more days, Bacon sandwich it is then! As I opened the packet and prepared Drew’s breakfast I smiled at the packaging, Drew must have bought this. I can tell because it isn’t specified vegetarian meat, we always by ‘Vegetarian friendly’ food for Laurence and Drew almost always complains about how horrible it is so he must have sneakily bought it. I chuckled quietly to myself and placed the bacon into the grill waiting for it to cook.

Leaning with my back against the counter I thought about the past few days. It’s been pretty overwhelming to be honest. I mean, telling the band that I was abused, meeting Jay at our gig in the pub, kissing Drew. That was always at the back of my mind, I couldn’t get that kiss out of my head. Since Jay I never thought I’d ever find anyone else that could make me feel that way again. I never thought I’d ever feel loved by someone ever again, but Drew grabbed that idea and crushed it. Honestly, I feel more love for that blond than I ever did for Jay. Drew taught me that what he did was wrong, and that everything Jay ever said was a lie. Jay called me ugly, pathetic, useless. Drew had shown me that I’m none of those things. He didn’t show me by straight out telling me that I wasn’t. He had shown me by hugging me, protecting me, loving me for who I was. I really am falling for the man.

As I was stood thinking to myself, a dreamy smile on my face, I didn’t notice another presence in the room.

“Ey up, Shane’s all loved up.” A tired voice spoke up, and I jumped in response. Looking up I was met by the smirking face of Laurence. He was sitting in the corner of the room; his black hair tousled up and was yawning loudly.

“Morning Laur.” I smiled, turning back to the bacon which had finished cooking to the way Drew likes it; burned to a crisp.

“Morning!” Laurence replied walking to me and standing next to me staring disgustedly at the bacon I was gently placing onto a piece of bread.

“Ew, that doesn’t smell like veggie bacon.” He pouted.

“It isn’t. I think someone bought it by mistake.” I replied, trying to cover Drew’s tracks.

“Sure they did. Drew seems to always mistakenly pick up the wrong bacon.” He said chuckling.

I giggled along with him and placed Drew’s breakfast on a plate and back under the grill to keep it warm while I ate my own. Hey, I have my priorities right.

I grabbed my own sandwich and followed to sit opposite Laurence who had returned to his previous position at the tiny table we had managed to fit into the kitchen.

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