Part XIV

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Shane’s POV

After getting all the necessary groceries that Laurence scribbled down on a spare sheet of paper for us we decided to call it a day and go home. As we approached the block of flats I slipped my prescription from the surgery into one of the grocery bags, hoping to disguise it as nothing out of the ordinary as I clasped my hand with Drew’s to calm my nerves. What if they suspect something? We weren't gone too long, were we? What if they find my pills and question me? How do I tell my best friends that I need to pop pills to sleep calmly at night and that I was due to be assessed with PT- wait, what was it?

“Drew, what was it that the doctor thinks I have?” I asked timidly, looking over at my boyfriend who was previously humming quietly to himself.

“Hmm?” He questioned happily as his head snapped towards me, surprised by the sudden sound of my voice.

“What did the doctor say I had? I can’t remember the name.” I admitted, frowning deeply in thought.

“He’s not completely sure because there are a lot of assessments involved, but he believes it’s Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder, sweetie.”

I looked down at my feet, suddenly interested in the movement of my body as I walked. I felt Drew’s hand squeeze my own as he continued.

“It’s completely normal with what you went through, Shane. It’s nothing to be ashamed of, honestly.”

“You sure?” I croaked out as humiliation washed over me. I was so weak, letting something as pathetic as Jay and I’s relationship get to me like this.

“I promise.” He stated, squeezing my hand once more as we finally approached our flat. I suddenly felt more relaxed as we climbed the stairs and approached our door, thankful to be back in the comforts of my own home.

“Shane, do you want to put your prescription in your pocket?” He asked. “You know what Kier’s like, as soon as he spots the shopping bags he’ll go rummaging through them.”

I merely nodded in response, before shoving my hand into the bag and quickly placing the prescription packet into my jacket pocket, zipping it up to hide away the shame.

We entered the door quietly, placing the bags down beside us as we shrugged off our jackets and hung them on the rack on the back of the front door.

“We’re home!” Drew’s voice rung around the flat and within seconds of his announcement quick, light footsteps pattered loudly and the sight of Kier skipping towards us made me giggle slightly behind my hand that I brought shyly to my face.

“Oh, goody! What did you buy?!” He squealed, instantly dropping to his knees and he eagerly ransacked through all of the bags at our feet until he finally found what he was searching for. “Aha! I knew you guys wouldn't forget them!”

I glanced over a Drew who was staring down at our scarlet fringed friend unimpressed as he hugged a packet of Milk Chocolate Digestives to his chest before scampering away, probably back to Laurence.

“His addiction is beginning to get out of hand.” I heard Drew mumble as he picked up half of the bags before walking into the kitchen. I followed suit closely behind him, but not before poking my head in the room where I noted Kier retreated to and smiled sweetly at the sight. Luke was shaking his head in despair at the sight of Kier force feeding an uncooperative Laurence chocolate biscuits and watching them giggle softly to each other, completely lost in their own little world.

I retreated into the kitchen and helped Drew pack away this week’s groceries. It didn't take us long when we worked together and we actually put the food in the correct cupboards, unlike some people, mentioning no names; Kier and Luke.

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