Part IX

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I felt myself being shaken awake by an annoying hand on my shoulder.

“Drew. Drew. Drew.” A voice whispered repeatedly as I begin to regain consciousness.

“No. No. No.” I grumbled back as I rolled over, facing away from the source of the whispering.

I was slowly falling back to sleep when I felt the left side of my bed squeak and lower, signalizing that someone sat next to me.

“Drew.” The voice whined as a hand returned to my shoulder, shaking it gently.

I sighed inwardly, admitting defeat, before fluttering my eyes open to be met with the beautiful orbs of Shane, who was leaning over me smiling gently.

“Shane?” I asked groggily. Looking at Shane with my eyes wide open I noticed something different. He was dressed. Ever since Jay and him broke up Shane had been finding it harder and harder to wake up in the morning, I had been waking him up but even then sometimes he'd refuse to leave his bed, let alone get dressed.

"Morning." His beautiful voice sounded in a whisper as he continued to beam his addictive smile down at me.

"Good morning." I replied pushing myself up into a sitting position. "You're dressed."

Shane nodded adorably, blushing slightly. "I - I'm excited." He mumbled, looking down at his hands as his face got increasingly redder.

"I am too." I agreed, placing my hand gently over Shane's, him reacting by looking back up to me. I chuckled. "Well I better get ready then, ain't I?"

Shane giggled and nodded enthusiastically.  He was so cute.

I patted his hand once in confirmation then jumped out of bed and walked over to my wardrobe, stretching loudly.

"What to wear..." I thought out loud, not expecting to find an answer when Shane's voice sounded my room.

"That grey button up shirt that you wore to Luke's birthday party looked good on you." I heard him say and I smiled lightly hiding my blush by patting down my fringe.

Turning around I saw he was blushing too before looking away.

"Grey shirt it is then." I said cheerfully, He grinned in reply.

Shane's POV

Drew told me he was leaving to have a shower so I thought it would be best to leave the room. Walking into the kitchen I spotted Kier in the corner, slouched over a counter top staring at the kettle as it boiled.

"Morning Kier." I spoke loudly over the device's annoying churning.

He jumped in shock, turning round to stare at me wide eyed. "O-Oh, Hi Shane." He said bewildered.  I guess he was surprised that I was up. I will admit, waking up willingly was something I hadn't done in a while, let alone getting dressed and speaking.

"How are you?" He asked politely as he turned back to the kettle. I grabbed 5 mugs from a cupboard above me and moved next to Kier, placing them in front of the appliance he had been eyeing with intent.

"I'm good, what 'bout you?"

Kier nodded in reply. "Tired." He replied and as if on cue, yawned loudly.

The kettle finished boiling and Kier stood straight, overjoyed with the thought of a cup of tea, or probably coffee knowing him. He began the task of making a morning drink for the five of us while continuing the conversation.

"So then, a little birdy told me that someone has a date today.” He said, tilting his head slightly and smirking.

I blushed deeply before gathering the courage to answer. "Y-Yeah, I do."

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