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"Do you mind if I call the hospital now?" Drew asked calmly and comfortingly. I merely nodded in response, licking the surface of my lips nervously. Truthfully no, no I didn't want Drew to call them; not now, not ever. However, I knew that it would cause an argument, one that I didn't have the energy to have with him.

Drew nodded back to me in response before retrieving his mobile phone from the inside of his blazer and dialling a number, holding it to his ear.

It took a few minutes for the service to answer but when they did Drew answered confidently straight away.

"Oh, Hi... I was wondering if there was a chance with me getting into contact with Lynn Baker, one of your therapists?... It's concerning one of her clients... Shane Sumner... Yeah, it wouldn't take a minute... Thank you... Sure, I'll hold..." Drew pulled a face at me when he was put on hold, nodding his head in an impatient manner causing me to giggle softly as I watched his phone call with intent. "Hi, It's Drew Woolnough, Shane's partner..." My heart fluttered at his words. "Yeah, I was wondering if we can come and see you... As soon as possible... it's relating to Shane's ex... Yes, it has... Yes, I remember what you said... That's Shane's choice... Of Course... Okay, that's fine, thank you... Yeah... Thanks, bye." As Drew hung up on who I assumed was Lynn he turned to me, a comforting smile graced across his perfect features.

"She's got time available tomorrow morning so I said we'll go and see her then; before she has another client." He informed me.

"Okay." I nodded. "Although, I don't really see why I need to see her earlier than next week but, okay." I admitted to him, confusion expressed across my face.

Drew took my hand in his, turning it over in his own hands, playing with my fingers softly. "It's for the best, Shane. Honestly."

"If you say so." I sighed, really not looking forward to having to see her again before my due appointment. I didn't understand it, the fact that I saw Jay today seemed to scare Drew, or as if it was an agreement between him and Lynn. It was completely different behaviour to what I was used to. Why did people suddenly care so much?

I was awoken early the next day by Drew's set alarm ringing around my bedroom with its piercing sounds. Groaning, I removed myself from Drew's grasp, turning over onto my stomach as I awaited sleep to take me once more.

"Come on, Shane. Time to get up." I heard Drew croak, voice laced with sleep.

I groaned loudly in response, turning from my side onto my back tiredly.

I heard a light chuckle as the mattress significally lightened; signifying that Drew got out of my single bed. "Come on you, no groaning. We have to be there at nine."

"But that's practically the middle of the night." I complained but rolled out of bed anyway.

"Yeah, for Owls maybe."

"Actually, if it was nine am Owls would only just-"

"Shower. Ready. Now." Drew's stern demand cut me off. I poked my tongue out cheekily in response, causing him to giggle but raised his arm out; pointing in the direction of the bathroom anyway. I rolled my eyes in response, crossing my arms like an uncooperative teen before doing as Drew wished; leaving the bedroom and entering the bathroom.

An hour later and we were leaving the flat. Waving a small goodbye to Luke, who was seemingly the only one in our home, we left the premises and - as Drew drove - we made our way to the hopital, too soon for my liking.

"What do I say?" I asked, wringing my hands together in my lap, in a nervous manner.

"Hmm?" Drew replied, eyes trained on the road.

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