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When I awoke the next morning I woke confused. The first feeling I was met with before I had even opened my eyes was the feeling of another body over me. At first I began to fear who the body was. Was it Jay’s? Did any of the past few events even happen? Was it all a dream? I began to believe that it was. Why would Drew ever love me? I was just me, Shane Sumner; A timid, unwanted, unneeded, useless human being. I could never deserve such an incredible person like Drew. Drew was perfect; handsome, talented, kind, considerate, a genius in so many activities. Everything you could ever crave to be; Drew Woolnough was it.

My eyes rapidly widened as I felt movement from the second person in my bed as he groaned in awakening.

“Shane…” I heard a voice groan groggily.

My heart beat quickened vastly as his voice claimed a name in my mind. Drew? It was real?

I felt smooth skin stroke across my neck like a feather, as if the owner of that hand was afraid of breaking me if the touch was too rough. His tender caress sent the butterflies in the pit on my stomach wildly flit about and my breath cut short. I felt his hand reach up to my jawline and command with the turn of my head that I met his orbs with my own.

As I stared into his sparkling eyes I saw his plump lips curve upwards, forming the smile I adored so much.

“Hey.” He whispered, that smile still present.

I breathed a sigh in relief as the anxiety of this being a mistake disappeared; only a glowing happiness remained. It was real. Drew Woolnough is mine.

“Morning.” I whispered in reply, shuffling closer to him as possible and lightly placing an arm over his waist, cuddling him tightly and resting my head under his chin in comfort.

I felt the vibration of a chuckle from his throat against my head and blushed.

“How did you sleep?” He croaked and sighed in content as he wrapped his arms around my form tighter, snuggling into his pillow in attempt to gain comfort… and quite possibly, knowing Drew, to regain unconsciousness.

“Okay, I suppose.” I replied, earning a comforting squeeze in reply. “Better when you were here.”

I felt Drew look down at me but I didn’t meet his gaze, causing me to blush madly. My eyes fluttered slightly as I felt the tender touch of his lips meet my crown and I snuggled into his chest more.

We lay in silence after that, not much had to be said. We were content with the feeling of each other’s bodies so much that exchanged words were not needed. I only needed his touch to feel comfortable and safe.

After a while I felt Drew pull away from me, only to snuggle lower in the bed so we were eye level. I frowned lowly when I became detached from him only for a timid smile to reappear as I felt his smooth hand grip my own and our digits entwine.

“Shane?” He whispered, anxiousness present in his voice, making my stomach churn with unease.

I looked up at him in silence as a response, not trusting myself to reply with confidence.

“Do you still want me to book an appointment at the Doctors today?” He asked the dreaded question with replicated uneasiness. The honest answer to his question was a simple one; No. No I didn’t want him to. I didn’t want to sit in that intimidating white painted room filled with medical professionals where people like me went when they were sick. I wasn’t sick; I had no illness to speak of. I was fine.

Except I didn’t answer with that response. I replied with a small nod which could have meant ‘Yes’ or ‘Okay.’ I didn’t want to disappoint him; I couldn’t live with myself if I ever disappointed Drew. He meant so much to me, that man was my whole world, and to think that if I had said no, he would have asked me why with his quiet slow voice and a disheartened expression. It would kill me.

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