Chapter 2

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I've just got on my tour break for two months and I thought what better way to spend it than in sunny L.A.

Jumping out of my range rover I locked it before heading into a coffee shop to get a drink.

"What can I get you sir" the employee asked.

"Ill get a medium Americano please"I asked while readjusting my hat making sure I couldn't make eye contact.

"Sure" she beamed and went off to make my order

I'm so glad to be on tour break I mean I love performing and seeing all my fans everyday but I'm soo tired it's good to just be able to relax for a while.

I see the lady approaching with my order in hand

"Thank you" I said before exiting the store and going back into my car.

I was about to start my car when I noticed a quaint little music shop filled with instruments.

I decided to check it out walking towards it I threw my finished coffee in the bin before opening the door and hearing a very familiar song.

"Across the ocean across the sea starting to forget the way you look at me now"

I heard be alright being sung by some girl sitting at the counter she must work here.

I've heard alot of people sing my songs before but let me tell you she was good.

She began to spin her chair round and immediately stopped when she saw me. Taking off my glasses and SnapBack so she could see me.

"Nice song I think I've heard it somewhere before" I smiled at her.

Wow she was good looking she had dirty blonde hair which went just above her chest and piercing blue eyes which made me stare.

Her cheeks went a light shade of red before she put the guitar down.

"Well you should have heard it considering its your song" she said shyly.

"I know I know shawty" I chuckled

"Um so Mr Bieber how can I help you"she blushed.

"Well I wasn't planning on doing anything just wanted to look at the instruments I guess..." I said

"Sure look at anything just try not to break anything" she giggled

"Ill try" I laughed "oh and by the way you were pretty good just a minute ago" I winked

"Thanks your not too bad yourself" she said quietly.

I began to walk around the shop looking at different instruments but I couldn't help wanting to talk to this girl I want to know more about her...I don't even know her name for god sakes.

She began strumming the guitar again and before long I realised the song was Down to Earth.

Before she had the chance to start singing I started for her singing the lyrics as I walked back over to her and sat on the counter next to her.

"Sing it with me" I whispered in her ear.

And before long we were both singing the chorus out voices mixed perfectly together it sounded amazing....and gave me butterflies in my stomach.

"So it's up to you and it's up to me that we meet in the middle on our way back down to earth"

Looking down on her playing the guitar she looked so happy and it came so easily to her she had a real talent.

The song came to a end and her eyes looked up and met mine she just smiled and stared at me.

"That was um....that was amazing" I said still stunned at how brilliant that was.

"I know your soo talented" she blushed.

"I'm Justin by the way" I giggled knowing that she already knew who I was.

"Oh really I never would have guessed" she laughed "Im Philippa-Jane but just call me pippa" she smiled.

"That's a beautiful name"I smiled

She blushed and put her head down to try and hide it.

"So I was wondering....can I have your number" I muttered hoping It was loud enough for her to hear me.

"Umm sure" she said handing me her iPhone.

I laughed as soon as I saw that I was set as her background on her phone.

"So I'm guessing your a fan"I said while trying to keep in my laughter.

"Oh shit" she said putting her hands over her face.

"It's fine haha I still want your number anyways" I winked at her and she smiled.

Handing her back her phone I jumped off the table and put my hat and shades back on.

"Well I better get going but ill text you later tonight" I said smiling at her.

"Sure can't wait" she said sarcastically making me laugh.

I began to walk out of the shop before turning around to face her.

"Yo Bieber don't forget to hit me up dawg" she said trying to act hard.

"I won't shawty" I laughed before putting two fingers to my head and moving them off as a goodbye signal before leaving the shop and getting into my car.

This girl was so amazing. Not to mention beautiful.

There's something about her that I can't put my finger on.

I need to find out more about her.

Driving along the road home I couldn't stop thinking about her before going into my house I sat down turned on the tv and the first thing I wanted to do was text her so I picked up my phone and did excatly that.

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