chapter 20

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It now seems like this could be the end of Pippa and Justin, but is it really all over for good?

Surely it cannot be they seemed so perfect.

They were happy.

Happy together.

But life goes on and time passes quickly..

Justin and Pippa lose contact totally and act as if they never existed.

But one thing they never did was forget.

That promise ring never left Pippas finger no matter where she was and what she was doing she was wearing it, he was with her all the time.

But Justin didn’t need a ring to remember Pippa she was always there in the back of his mind.

She was always the one who he let slip away.

The one who’s heart he broke.

In his eyes she was his one true love.

Justin couldn’t take the guilt having known he ruined their relationship.

He started acting out and doing things which normally wouldn’t even come into his mind.

When he went on the believe tour things seemed to go..well even more downhill for Justin.

He nearly started a fight with paparazzi in London.

He peed in a bucket while out in a nightclub.

He vomited on stage.

He started hanging around with the wrong people.

He was drinking more.

He smoked weed.

He now has an arm full of tattoos.

He was losing Himself.

But why was he doing all of this?

Well isn’t it obvious he was doing it because he still didn’t have her.

Pippa on the other hand well things were not going too good for her either.

She began failing at school because she couldn’t focus in class.

She finally graduated high school but didn’t have good grades so started full time work in a diner.

She stopped playing guitar and singing because singing reminded her too much of Justin.

She began to worry more about her Dad and what could happen in the future.

Unlike Justin she wasn’t losing herself but she was becoming a shadow of herself she no longer wore that big smile that he loved to see. She wasn’t constantly making people laugh with her funny ways and wacky faces she would pull. Without out him she felt empty.

But now 2 years later they are both 19 and their paths will soon cross again.

Can they pick up where they left off or is it just too late to start again?


I hear my alarm clock go off on my phone I turn it off and groan and I drag myself out of bed walking down the corridor I bang on Emma and Christian’s door making sure they have woken up.

About a year ago just after I finished high school Emma Christian and I all moved in together and split the rent equally, it makes sense as it means none of us will end up in debt and on the streets.


“Alright chummy, I was just making sure I didn’t want you to be late jesus” I say before walking down the stairs..Emma can be a little cranky in the mornings.

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