chapter 21

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I wake up with a killer headache, urgh im so hungover.

A few days ago I finished the second leg of my believe tour so it looks like a have nothing to do for a while apart from drink, smoke and do whatever the fuck I want.

I look at the time on my phone 1:45pm great so I have already missed most of the day.

This is my first day properly back in California and its weird I haven’t been back here since..Well since Pippa broke up with me.

But I do not want to talk about that. She is better off without me I mean look at me I am a mess.

I finally drag myself out of bed and look in the mirror my hairs all messed up and I am still wearing my clothes from last night.

I turn on the tv to yet another news ‘scandal’ about me.


Would they just shut the fuck up.

Yes so a girl came home with me last night but no I didn’t sleep with her and no she didn’t stay the night.

Since Pippa and I have barely kissed another girl let alone slept with one.

I just can’t get over her.

Selena has been in contact and yes she wanted to get back together but did we?

No. Not for one minute.

I will NEVER get back with Selena I made that mistake once it is not happening ever again.

Would I get back with Pippa?

Yes. In a second I would do anything for her.

She made me feel normal.

The way I feel now is so far from myself, I drink to take away the pain and then drink more to try and forget the fact I am drinking too much.

I turn the tv off and sigh before walking down stairs into the kitchen I grab my car keys and walk out of the door…why? Well because I have decided I want kfc that’s why.

Driving down the road I turn the radio up a bit when I hear heartbreaker come on the radio.

I immediately think about Pippa.

I mean this song is all about her after all.

I wonder if she knows it is?

She must know I mean it is pretty obvious

I hum it to myself as I drive down the road I cannot help but get a lump in my throat I mean it is nearly 2 years ago now she broke up with me but not one day has gone by when I haven’t thought about her. She meant the world to me, and I guess in a way she still does. If only I hadn’t been such a fucking asshole that night in the club. Why did I have to go and break her heart? Maybe we would still be together now. Still in love. But the thing is I am still in love I am in love with our memories I’m in love with the stupid comments she would make when she was half asleep, I’m in love with the way her eyes looked in the sunlight, I’m in love with her smile, I’m in love with her laugh. I’m just in love with her. I don’t think I will ever get over us.

The song was well over now, I had been paying no attention to the road so I had no clue where I was.

Oh I could see ‘steves diner’ ahead that means kfc is just down the road. Thank god you don’t know how much im craving a popcorn chicken right now.

I drive past the diner and look inside just out of curiosity but what I saw when I looked inside shocked me so much I was struggling to breathe.

I could swear that I saw Pippa working inside that diner.

My eyes must be tricking me, Pippas a smart girl she wouldn’t end up working in a diner like that.

But that girl looked so much like her it was unreal.

Justin common it wasn’t her get over it just go and get your kfc I told myself.

I pulled into the KFC car park and walked in before making my order.

While waiting for my food I hear a familiar voice come from behind me.

“Justin man is that you?” Christian questioned.

“Christian! I cannot believe it is you!”  I say shocked not knowing what to say I mean this is one of my bestfriends who I haven’t talked to in nearly 2 years.

“Yeah I know. How have you been bro?” he asks.

“Well not too go but hey I am still breathing” I say trying to make a joke.

“Good Good well im hear with Emma she is just in the bathroom she will be so happy to see you” he says.

“Yeah I was going to hit you up later I only properly got back in town last night” I say explaining myself so it doesn’t seem like I have been ignoring them.

And as if on cue Emma walks out of the bathroom her jaw drops open when she sees me and she just runs over to me and wraps me into a hug.

“Oh my gosh Justin it is you” she says while letting me go of her tight grip.

“Yeah it is really me” I say chuckling slightly.

I get handed my food before we all go and sit down in a booth together.

“So how was the tour?” Emma asks.

“It was good, I enjoyed getting to see a lot of my beliebers they made me a bit happier.” I say sighing at the fact im still not happy.

“Still not over Pippa?” she asks caringly.

“I guess you could say that” I reply “How is she anyways”

“Shes well…shes getting by last year she left high school with pretty bad grades so she hasn’t come to college with us instead she is working at Steves Diner. She really misses you Justin” Emma says Truth was all over her face.

I knew I was right so Pippa does work at Steves Diner!

But that’s so sad that she got bad grades when I was with her she was a straight A student I wonder what happened.

And Emma said that she still misses me.

Is that true?

I hope so, because I want to make her mine again. No change that I NEED to make her mine again.

But I need to think of the right way to start talking to her again should I text her? Call her?

No common Justin your better than this think of something that will remind her of what you had an why you should be together again for god sake man.

“Justin? Dude?” Christian says while waving his hand in my face.

“Sorry man I was a bit zoned out” I say laughing slightly.

I finished my food a while ago and I guess it is time I should get home I have a lot of things to think about.

“Anyways I better get going Christian text me later so we can sort something out yeah?” I say while giving Emma and hug and Christian a ‘manly’ hug.

“Of course Bieber see you then” he says before fist pumping me.

I walk back to my car hop in and start to drive myself home.

Woah. So much has happened right now.

When I came home I thought I had lost everything.

My friends, my respect and most importantly Pippa.

But now it looks like I have a chance to get her back.

And trust me I am NOT going to let her slip through my fingers ever again. 

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