chapter 5

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looking at myself in the mirror i think i was ready to go i was wearing this : 

walking out of my house i walked towards my car before hopping in and going the short drive to christians house.

Singing along to a rihanna song in the car i couldnt wait to see Pippa again i cant stop thinking about how amazing she is i mean i know i dont know alot about her but theres just something special about her i can feel it.

Pulling into Christians drive i texted him to let him know i was here and before i knew it he was out of the house and in the car.

"hey buddy how ya doing" christian asked while fastening his seatbelt

"actually better that i have been for a while" i replied.

"good to im guessing your finally over that bitch who dumped you...what was her name again melena,serena.."

"selena." i butted in wanting to avoid the topic.

Selena was my first serious relationship i thought i loved her but it turns out were better off good friends we still get along well but i dont like to talk about our break up and didnt excatly do wonders for my trust issues.

"yeah thats it" he said "anyways jb why such a quick change in plans i thought we were going bowling later tonight?" he asked

"not anymore were doing something even better" i smiled eager to tell him the story.

"okay tell me then...." he whined

"okay so earlier today i went into a music shop just to look around but when i walked in there was this girl playing the guitar and singing even better she was singing my song anyways so we ended up singing together and im not lieing when i say this christian i felt something in the pit of my stomach i had never felt before" i said feeling slighty embarrased that i just said all that out loud.

"yeah well great story romeo but get to the point" he complained.

"so i took her numbers her names Philippa-Jane thats a pretty name isnt it....and she asked me earlier if i would like to come over and i said yes and told her that i would bring a friend and thats you." i said 

"well i figured but whats the point in you taking me on your adventure to see miss dream girl?"he chuckled

"she has a friend" i explained

"okay now im interested" he said before adjusting his hair in the mirror and putting his headphones in.

The rest of the drive to Pippas was pretty silent i just couldnt stop thinking about her...the way she looked the was she smelt her smile her oh so perfect smile.

Justin snap back into reality.

"we are here christian" i said while hitting him on the arm and pulling into the driveway.

We both got out of the car and i walked up to the door before gently knocking on it.

Pippa then opens it and shes beautiful i couldnt help but stare at her..

this was when i realised i had been staring at her for a while now.

"hi"she sweetly said god her voice if so cute.

"hey" i smiled and her as christian barged past me and walked straight over to a tall girl who im guessing must be Emma

"hi im christian" he said clearly trying to keep in his drool.

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