Some Notes

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Thank you for opening this! :D Here are some notes, you don't have to read but yeah. 

Also, as you are reading this right now, don't expect an actual chapter. I hope to have a chapter by May 1st or earlier. Preferably earlier because I still have Grasping Fate to plan.

1. The idea for the story is purely mine, but the characters are not. Obviously, I apologize if I make the characters seem to OOC. I kind of use the characters as I feel will best fit for the story.

2. This will be my first story that doesn't revolve around Teamcrafted. I think that is good, it opens up more room to be free, anyways here are the main characters of the story.:

MithzanMax- Max Myth

RedVacktor- Red Vacktor

ThatGuyBarney- Barney (No last name)

House_Owner- Ross Owner

***All their last names have some relation to them if you couldn't tell x3***

3. I'm definitely not a pro writer, so please point out any mistakes you see, or any inconsistency with the story. That would be greatly appreciated.

4. Another thing, I love all the characters, so if any of them seem, a bit, mean or stuff, that's because that is because of the role I've given them in the story. I promise they get better, or maybe they'll stay that way, idk :) I don't hate any of them.

5. I'm not introducing all the characters all at once, I don't like doing that, there will be a progression over time where they all come into play. The four characters listed above will be introduced pretty quickly, however, they are not the only youtuber and/or OC's I use. The other characters will be introduced over time.

6. I hope this will be a fairly long story, split into 3 parts, not 3 books. 3 parts, not 3 chapters, lol. Just clarifying this for all of you.

7. And please do comment and give me feedback, It will greatly support me and motivate me, because I often have a lack of motivation. Go ahead and comment what you think will happen and stuff, that will allow me to see what you think, and give me ideas when I might need them.

The story will be up when I've finished planning, I still have lots to do. Like A LOT. But thank you for reading this and I hope you like the cover and the blurb.


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