Chapter Twelve

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Chapter 11 and the beginning half of chapter 12 aren't all that good in my opinion. I feel like I could've written them better, but oh well. At least the rest of chapter 12, and then chapters 13-14 are pretty good. :D

Destiny Calls

Chapter 12

"Looking back so that the view looking forward is even clearer"

-Day XIX-

Max woke up the next day feeling refreshed and calmer than he was thanks to Alista. Max still didn't understand what the nether her deal was. He yawned and stretched. He felt a few joints loosen up and he sighed contentedly, after this he could return to Eflido with Ross, Red, and Barney. Maybe they would let him stay with them. Maybe when he got his memories back, he could find his family, or his friends, or anyone.

Max picked up his bag and swung it around to his back before leaving the room he was sleeping in to see Red already awake. He was eating a carrot.

"Oh hey Max, glad to see you're up, want anything to eat?"

"Just hand me whatever, I just want to hurry to the gateway. The sooner we get there the sooner I can help Ross and Barney and get rid of this curse."

"That's the spirit!" Red grinned and tossed Max a radish, "Here!"

"Thanks," Max caught it with ease. He sniffed the vegetable and wrinkled his nose, but he took bites from it anyways, no matter how gross it tasted and smelled.

"Ross, Barney! Wakey, wakey!" Red yelled. Barney sat up slowly and looked around, however Ross jumped up and yelled at the sudden noises, "Good, hurry up and eat so we can get to the gateway asap."


"Ugh, mornings..."


From their little safe house, they determined it would be best to move through the forest and head west until they met the shoreline. From there they could continue on north along the shore to the gateway. This would mean even as they exited the forest they would still be far enough from the village, perhaps no one would see them as suspicious, or even see them at all.

"We won't have to swim right?" Max asked.

"I sure hope not, it'll take forever to dry our clothes," Red said.

"When I looked at the map back in Keuta, I saw their was a river located up north. It perfectly separates us from the gateway, unfortunately we need to cross it. Let's just hope it is shallow enough." Ross pointed out while trying to be optimistic. Instead he got a series of groans and complaints.

"I think I forgot how to swim when I lost my memories, if I even knew in the first place!" Max yelled.

"I'm sure the river is not that bad," Ross waved off Max's remarks as over-exxagerating.


No. The river was that bad. Actually worse than Max imagined...

"Gee thanks Ross, now we have to cross this terrible beast of a river..." Max groaned. The water sped at speeds faster than Max's eyes could see. The water hissed and splashed against the banks and whipped the wind around them. Why did such a river exist...

"It's not my fault. This was on the map, there is no other way to the gateway, unless you have a boat or want to travel around the river by going into Emedo territory."

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