Chapter Nine

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*Note* The scavenger hunt is still going on. I'll try to release another hint in my art book later today. Also I'm trying to write 5 more chapters, 3 of them DC chapters, 2 of them GF chapters. That way I can have 3 weeks to have some me time and not write XD.

And there may only be 3-4 chapters of DC left, lol. Read bottom for a note about what happens after this book ends. I will also repeat this when it does end.


Destiny Calls

Chapter 9

"A friend who understands your tears is a lot more valuable than a friend who only knows your smile."

-Day XV-

Night fall had finally come. It was the 16th of Aeth, only for more days before Max's journey ends. But to be technical Max would endure 2 months within those 4 days, matters of which will be written further in.

Thick clouds hung over the sky, blocking out any sign of the moon, four figures lurked in the dark shadows of a tent.

"Are yous sures this is the rights ways?"

"Yes Barney, this is what Rick and Eric told me." Red replied.

"You should've kept that statue, you know, we aren't exactly rich with money and resources," Max mumbled. He did not like the nighttime all that much. He found the darkness unsettling and very familiar to him, but not in a good way.

"I know, but we would've been stuck in Emedo for Notch knows how long if I didn't try bribing." Red retorted, he looked left then right, then left again before motioning for them to move. Red hurried from one tent to the next, he abruptly stopped causing Barney to run into him.

"Ooof!" Barney cried out and Red tumbled but they managed to stay hidden, "Whats was thats for?"

"Sorry, I just saw soldiers...I wonder what they're doing so late at night.

"Didn't Eric say something about an attack?" Ross asked.

"He did," Max answered him, "but Rick stopped him before he told us anything."

"You knows, Emedos maybes getting for war, buts don't those soldiers looks likes they're headings away from Duhitas?" Barney pointed out.

Max looked but shrugged. He saw the soldiers with armor and weapons on, but he hardly remembered anything about this world. He's still trying to grasp his own identity, he's had no time to learn the location of anything.

"Red, where is that cave those guards mentioned?" Ross asked, he lkept looking over his soldier in anticipation.

"They said west of a grey tent with yellow markings, but there are so many tents, how the nether are w--"

"Founds it!" Barney pointed and Ross slapped a hand over Barney's large dino snout.


"Hey you hear that?" They all stiffed at the sound of that nearby soldier's voice, "I think it came from ov--"

"Prepare to head out! We are heading north in 10 minutes!" Max recognized the voice as that b*tchy general's. But it seemed to have saved their a*ses because those soldiers quickly left before investigating their hiding spot behind the tent. It looked that quite a lot of soldiers were moving away, but plenty appeared to be staying.

"Max!" Max looked up to see Red, Barney, and Ross already moving away from the area and towards the grey and yellow tent. Max hurried after them.


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