Chapter Ten

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Destiny Calls

Chapter 10

"Running away from fear is fear; fighting pain is pain; trying to be brave is being scared. If the mind is in pain, the mind is pain. The thinker has no other form than his thought"

-Day XVII-

After escaping from the camp with the help of two guards, Max, Red, Ross, and Barney could finally see Duhita. They were walking along the shores of an ocean, and could see the mouth of the river that cut Duhita in two.

"Oh look at that! We finally made it! Max! We're here!" Red jumped and cheered.

"Races yous to the rivers!" Barney started running and getting a head start.

"No fair! I'm a water morvic! I can't run as well!" Ross whined before chasing after Barney.

"You coulds nevers runs that wells Ross." He joked.

"Hey!" Ross yelled. Red laughed before looking back at Max who hadn't said a word. He just stopped walking. His heart felt like it was skipping a beat. He was so close. So close, he felt like he could already touch his freedom from this curse, he felt like he could feel his memories come pouring back.

"Hey Max, you coming?" Red asked.

"Huh? Y-yeah!" Max grinned before running ahead of Red, "Just stay there so I can beat you first!"

"Oh, ok--Wait a minute! Come back here Max, you dirty cheater!"


Max cupped his hands together and splashed cold river water on his face. His gloveless hand was wrapped up in bandages to help his burn, and secretly to hide the fact he had no glove. He told his friends he just put the glove away so he could treat his wound. He was glad none of them put two and two together and realized the glove burned when he got burned.

With the water dripping down his face, he felt alive, like soon everything would come to an end, and he'd return Ross and Barney back to normal. He'd regain his memories, he could maybe stay with Red, Ross and Barney. He would like that, they were his friends and he didn't want to leave them.

"Oh mans, maybes running after only 3 hours of sleeps and injuries from the explodings creature was bads idea..." Barney munched on an apple as he laid lazily on the cool grass.

"Ross, where are we headed to? Since you saw the map." Max asked Ross.

"Well, the closest village to the gateway is the village of Aeston. We won't need to cross the river, but we should head into the forest to avoid being spotted, since well..." Ross glanced at Barney and pointed to himself, "We're morvics and this is Duhita.

"R-right..." Red face-plamed, "Already forgot Duhita hates morvics for some reason." he grumbled.

"I guess we should get going. Around the bend of the river I see patches of trees, we can enter the forest from there hopefully," Max pointed out. He wiped his face with his sweater and grabbed his bag. He winced only a little when using his burned hand.

They barely made it to the patch of trees just past the bend in the river when they heard a voice, "Took you long enough."

Max and his friends looked around for the owner of the voice, Max spotted a girl.

"I mean seriously, I wait here only to have to head home for a job. And thank the gods I return just in time to find the people I've been waiting for have finally arrived two days later than scheduled." It was a woman, a woman with short purple hair and red eyes. By now his friends had spotted the woman too, she was sitting on the tree tops of the trees they were just about to walk under. She must have been lying down on the branches or hidden from them to not have seen her as they walked closer.

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