Thank you, and so much more!

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*Sorry for long note, just a lot to say and express*

This book was very short, but nonetheless I enjoyed writing it, and writing Max's story.

It has brought me so much joy watching you as my readers read and get excited over the story, and it warmed my heart every time I recieved a comment telling me they enjoy the story or the chapter, or someone on my profile telling me they enjoy my books in general.

Your comments and words of praise always made me blush (well would blush but my skin is kind of dark for that, but you get the point) and I always got embarrassed by them because I never knew people would really like my stories this much.

I'm sure we've all seen messages like this, saying how they never expected any of this, and as repetitive as it is, it is true. I mean how many people start writing stories expecting a lot of people to enjoy them? If you're like me then you started writing because you had something you really wanted to share, a story that would hopefully be different than everyone else, but never would you believe to having this many people like it.

It is true when I say, that this is amazing, and each everyone of you are amazing and special and I can't thank you enough for everything.

And though this book was very short in comparison to Falling to Rise, I think this story was just as great.

And I know many of you want to read more and find out what happenes next. You all have questions, about where did Max and Jin go? Wasn't the first room that Ross and Red inspected the room Max and Jin fell into? Seto and Mitch are here? Whatt? What about the Whiter, what is up with her? And so many more questions.

And I legit want to spill the beans and tell you all the answers, but as much as you're dying to know the answer, I'm dying just having to hold back the answers. I want to tell you, but everything will come in due time.

So until then, thank you! Thank you! Thank you! This has been one giant journey, and I suggest you don't remove this from your library or wherever you put it. 

Even though this book is done, and Max's story is not over, it will take time for it to continue on. But When it does I will update this book letting you all know, but the 'sequel' can only happen when Grasping Fate is complete.

So until then, if you haven't already, you can read Falling to Rise, this story details Seto's journey. Yes, the same Seto that appeared at the very end of Destiny Calls, and as you read, you may notice all the Easter Eggs I threw in Destiny Calls.

But besides the Falling to Rise series and it's sequel Grasping Fate, the last thing I must speak about is what am I writing next?

*Copied from my Tips, Tricks, and Art stuff book*

I've been thinking about this for a long time. I want to be able to write more stories for you guys, amazing, wonderful stories that I hope to captivate you all with. Stories that I hope will throw all of you in for an unpredictable adventure. And so far I think I am succeeding with both the Falling to Rise Series and Destiny Calls, because I doubt anyone here is expecting what I have in store for the future.

But that's not just it. I want my stories now and in the future to continue doing that. I want to write for you all original, captivating stories that you all can continue to enjoy, so it is with my utmost pride to announce the next story.

But first a little suspense, and background information.

Originally, I was going to write a story that I was calling Midnight. A story starring MunchingBrotato. And I've talked about this story before. A story where Tyler and others get trapped in a crazy circus that wants to kill them and yada yada. And I'm not giving up on the idea yet, the only problem is that I'm styling it very differently from my other books. So I wanted to wait and not make it the book after Destiny Calls.


After much thought and deliberation.

I have decided to write.........


Yes guys. (errr well to all of you that have been following me since my book LOST was almost done)

I am bringing back GAME OVER.

The book that was really popular to you guys when I had a story ideas book where you as my readers could choose what you want me to write. Well, to all you newer followers GAME OVER was a book that was supposed to begin soon after LOST had finished. But it never did because I canceled for reasons I never explained.

I will explain now for all to hear!

I canceled the book not because I didn't have inspiration or like the idea. But actually because I fell so in love with the plot I thought I could make it into a book I would publish.

After a long while, up until today. I decided the idea didn't sit with me. Only because this story was made to be a minecraft fanfiction. So to me, it would make me much happier to make it into what I had originally planned to, a minecraft fanfiction!

So yes guys, GAME OVER is coming back. I plan to remake the cover and the speedpaint. I plan to get back to planning, and I plan to in the near future release more info on GAME OVER so that you all know what to expect.

*note* POSSIBILITY of some romance off to the side. But not the cliche thing where EVERY f*cking character is paired off. To me that is cliche and unrealistic. If romance does happen it will likely be Adesa, and my non youtuber x youtuber OTP But this is undecided*

Also I can't wait to give you more info, but I have to wait. Because so many things that are in Falling to Rise, Grasping Fate, and Destiny Calls were inspired by GAME OVER because of all the things that wouldn't be becaus eI canceled the book.

But I'll tell you later, when I get to the point of sharing.

This is really long... I'm so sorry, there is just a lot to say.

I will use this book to notify you of GAME OVER's arrival also, and lastly, I need to announce the Scavenger Hunt results, but I will do that in a separate part.

Until next time guys!

And Thank you once more for everything!


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