Chapter Two

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Another chapter! Enjoy. Also I came up with the perfect writing schedule for Grasping Fate and Destiny Calls. 

          Grasping Fate will be updated every OTHER week.

          Destiny Calls will follow the every other week too, as it's main times of focus. However if given the chance, it will be updated whenever I have a chapter ready. That way this book can be completed before Grasping Fate reaches the point where it spoils the ending.

Anyways enjoy! I'm loving this so much, and thank you so much for the support on the first chapter! <3


Destiny Calls

Chapter 2

"I'll have to keep looking for more of them, more brief moments of freedom in a world that refuses to allow it"


-Day II-

It was morning, smoke was still trailing into the sky but no more fire persisted. The sun shown brightly even over the strong smell of burnt everything that reached even the distance he was at. He woke up slowly. First rolling around on the spongy grass before pushing himself up into a seated position.

He glanced around, now after more rest he was more aware of his surroundings. The ground was laden with grass, shrubs, rocks and moss. The ground was springy and partially wet to touch, their air had a strong smell to it, a smell he could only assume was because he was in a swamp.

He mustered the strength to stand up and almost fell over as soon as he did. He felt a wave of nausea wash over him and realized immediately how hungry he was. He hadn't noticed before, somehow managing to ignore his hunger, but now relaxed and calm he could feel his hunger at full forces. The gnawing feelings eating his stomach from the inside was unbearable. He was almost sure he didn't have a stomach anymore.

Putting one leg in front of the other, he slowly began walking west. As in his dream that is the direction the people were traveling from, so maybe west of here was the town from his dream. Or was it his memory? He still didn't know without anything to prove it was one or the other.

It was like this all morning to afternoon. Eventually after what felt like an eternity he managed to make it to a town. There was in fact a town in the direction he had believed there to be, making it all the more likely that his dream was actually a memory.

As he wandered the busy city, he barely noticed the odd looks people were giving him. From glancing his way and then glancing back in shock, to staring at him for long periods of time and whispering with someone beside him. He didn't care.

He probably did look like a wreck, anyone would after exhaustion and starvation.

With very little breaks, he managed to stop in front of a plain looking home closer to the outskirts of the town, but not close to the way he had come.

This home in particular looked very much like the one from his dream. He stared at it for a few moments before slowly rising one hand to the door. He aimed to knock on the door, however a voice spoke up behind him.

"Yo dude, you need anything?"

He turned away from the door with his hand still raised mid-knock. He looked to the one who had called to him, along with his two companions. He didn't move as his eyes scanned the people in front of him.

A guy wearing a red beanie reached out to him and spoke, "Hey, are you alr--"

That guy stopped mid sentence and stared at the man in front of him, "T-There's no way..."

He didn't move or say a word, he stood there for a moment before stumbling back against the door of the home he was going to knock on and passing out.

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