Nights One

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I opened my eyes and looked around the room. It was dark. Darker than it had ever been before. Even a night light wasn't on! The only light I could see was coming from my alarm clock. It said it was 12. I think it was AM, but I can never remember if midnight is AM or PM. Well, I think it's midnight out, anyway.

I looked down. I wasn't in the same spot I was in earlier; I was on the bed now! How did I get here? Did my Mommy or Daddy find me lying down and put me here? Huh. Mommy and Daddy. I wonder what they look like. Do I even have a Mommy or Daddy? Are they nice enough to put their child in bed at night? I hope so.

I felt something on the bed, right next to me. I felt it to see what it was. It was...soft, like fur. It kinda felt like the yellow bear, but that one felt more smooth, like silk. I think that's what it's called, anyway. I picked it up and held it close to me. I could see a face on it. It had giant blue eyes and a cute little smile and black top hat. It was Toy Golden Freddy! I smiled and kissed him on the nose; I remember Toy Golden Freddy and his friends always made me feel better.

I put golden Freddy back next to me and I laid back down; I wanted to sleep, but I didn't seem tired! I guess it still didn't hurt to at least try, I closed my eyes, I couldn't help but wonder why this is happening to me. Why can't I remember anything about myself except Toy Golden Freddy, his friends, and the color yellow? Even the yellow rabbit is a mystery to me. Speaking of her, where is she?

Suddenly, I heard a noise! I quickly grabbed my golden Freddy and squeezed him tight; my heart began beating faster as I heard somebody moving outside of my doors! I knew if I stayed here for too long, though, they would get me...whoever they were.

I slowly got out of my bed and walked towards the door to my left...or, was it my right? I don't know; it was always hard to figure out which was which. As I walked, I felt something under my feet. It felt hard, but tiny... I picked it up and felt a small button. After pressing it, a small bit of light appeared! I found a flashlight! Which was really, really, REALLY good; everyone knows monsters are scared of light!

Now I slowly got closer to the door, ready to face any monster that may come my way... I walked right next to the open doorway and saw nothing but the black darkness. After quickly shining my flashlight, though, I saw a giant hallway that seemed to stretch forever!

There were pictures along the wall. I could see what looked like grown-ups and two kids in some of them. Was that my family? I couldn't get a good look at their faces, so that didn't help.

I walked back towards the middle of the room and looked at my alarm clock. 3:07? Wow, did I actually fall asleep? Before I could think about it too much, I heard noise coming from the other door.

I ran to the doorway and shone my light down the hall. I gasped when I did; at the end of the hall, there was what looked like a giant yellow...thing...with razor-sharp teeth! I thought it looked like my friend Toy Springtrap, but before I could look too much, it ducked away. Ha! I knew monsters were scared of light!

I looked at the hallway on this side. There were windows all along the wall, except for a few more pictures. I could only see darkness outside, though, and the flashlight wasn't helping with it.

That's when I went back to the middle of the room and looked around. The closet was slightly open. Oh, no; monsters hide in closets all the time!

I ran to the closet and shone my light in it; it was empty, except for some clothes hanging up. But maybe I should keep the door closed, just to be safe.

I pushed the closet doors together and started to walk away. When I did, though, I heard it squeak. I looked and saw the door creak back open. Oh, no... I ran back and closed the doors again. When I let go, they opened again. Is the door broken?

I then heard what sounded like squeals coming from my bed. I turned around and shone my light at it. Instead of my Freddy teddy, I was greeted by a small, dismantled Toy Golden Freddy robot with sharp teeth and was twitching like crazy! As soon as the light hit it, though, it seemed to disappear in the blink of an eye, revealing the normal Golden Freddy teddy instead.

What is going on? Why are scary robots in my house? What are they doing here? What do they want with me?

That's when I heard what sounded like footsteps in the left hallway. I ran towards it and pointed my light down it. At the far end, I saw a green and red thing duck away from sight. It almost looked like Salvagio!

I quickly reached up to my doorknob and pulled the door shut! The problem was, though, it wouldn't stay closed! It just slid back open when I let go of it! Why are all of my doors not working?

I heard squeals in the bed again. I shone my light on it and saw the little Golden Freddy monster for a split second before it went away again. Why can't the Toy Golden Freddy teddy stop those mean old monsters from getting me?

I then ran back towards the other hallway and got the door frame. Before I shine my light, though, I stopped; I could've sworn I heard sounded like...that loud breathing I had heard earlier when I was in the darkness!

I quickly held the door shut and held my breath. I could've checked to see if anything was there, but I didn't want to risk seeing a monster in my face!

A second later, I heard loud footsteps quickly get softer until I heard nothing at all. I carefully opened the door and took a peek with my light. Empty. Good.

I went back towards the middle of the room and looked at my clock. 5:59? Huh. I wonder when I usually-


Everything flashed white as I gasped. When the flash went away, I found myself back in the bed. There was sunlight peeking through the windows in the hall. I looked at my clock and saw it was 6:00. And that was the source of the beeping sound!

I reached and pressed the "off" button and the noise stopped. I then let out a yawn and looked around. Was that all really...a dream? There's no way...right?

Well, either way, I have to go get ready for...whatever I need to get up this early for.

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