Breakfast Time

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I opened the door on the right (I think) and stepped out into the hallway. I was actually surprised the door was unlocked, but it makes me wonder what was really going on when the doors were locked. Was I imagining things? Was that real? I don't know, but I hope I find out soon. Of course, there are a lot of things I wanna find out soon...

Anyway, I looked out the windows in the hallway. I couldn't see much, but not because it was too dark; it was because it was too bright! The sun was shining very hard in my eyes, so it was impossible to see anything happening outside. Oh, well. I'm sure I'll see better when I walk outside.

Suddenly, I felt my tummy rumble a bit. That's when I remembered that I can't remember the last time I've eaten anything! I wonder what we have in this house... I guess the only way to find out is to find the kitchen. Now, where's that again?

I kept going down the hallway and I eventually came to a dead end. The only place to go was right or left. The way to the right looked like another bedroom, and the way to the left seemed to lead towards a living room, I think it's called. I also saw another hallway that seemed like it could take me somewhere!

After walking a bit faster towards that hallway, I looked and saw four doors; there were two on the right side, and two on the left. At the far end was a tall, white chair under a small window that was towards the top. Who would wanna sit in in a chair and stare down a hallway? Probably some weird adult.

The first two doors closest to me were closed, but as I walked, I smelt something...delicious! I got to the end of the hall and saw what looked like a kitchen to my right and a dining room to my left! The smell was coming from the dining room, so that's where I walked.

I went inside and and saw two giant people sitting in chairs. One of them had its back faced towards me and had what looked like a newspaper in its hands. The other one was facing me and slicing into whatever was on its plate. The strangest part was the fact that I couldn't make out many details on them. The most I could see was the one with the newspaper was shaped like a man, and the one eating was shaped like a woman. I could only assume who these people were.

"Mommy? Daddy?"

They both turned around and seemed to stare at me.

"Ah, about time you woke up, kiddo!" My dad said to me. "Your pancakes almost got cold!"

Pancakes! That's what that smell was! I knew it was familiar!

"C'mon, sweetie!" My mom told me. "Get up here and dig in!"

I smiled as I tried to find a seat to sit in. I finally chose one and climbed up onto it. When I did, I looked and saw pancakes on the plate! There was maple syrup and butter smeared all over them! The only thing missing was-

"Would you like some powdered sugar?" Mommy asked.

"Yes, please!" I answered.

She then reached over and sprinkled the powdery perfection all over the delicious pancakes! I smiled and licked my lips as I began to cut them up! When I put the first bite inside my mouth, it tasted like the best thing I've ever had! I just kept putting more and more into my mouth until I finally had to stop and drink milk to wash it down. Finally, all the pancakes were gone and I wiped my mouth with a napkin.

"Go get dressed, Madison," daddy told me. "You gotta get ready for school!"

School? Ugh; no wonder I had to get up early.

"O-kaaaaaaaaaaaaay," I replied in an annoyed voice.

Mommy and Daddy chuckled as they went back to whatever they were doing. I got out of my chair and hurried back into my bedroom. I guess I just had to change clothes and get to school...wherever that is.

I looked in my closet and tried to find something to wear. After grabbing random clothes, I managed to put on a black tank-top with gray stripes, blue jeans, and white socks. After that, I put on gray shoes and sat down on my bed. I looked where my Golden Freddy plushie should be, but I saw that yellow rabbit instead! She was smiling at me, and her dark eye's seemed to be watching me.

"You know she is hiding again," it told me.

"Who?" I asked it. "Who's this 'she' you keep talking about?"

"She won't stop until you find her."


It replied with a smile and silence. I just sighed and walked out of my room. The living room I saw earlier seemed to have a front door, so I'll just go out there.

As I passed the grandfather clock at the end of the hallway and went into the living room, I noticed that there wasn't much in there. Just a couch, a TV, and a bench. I shrugged it off and went towards the front door.


I screamed in terror and collapsed to the floor as my heart started to pound out of my chest! I looked at the TV and saw a giant yellow and white fox peeking it's head out behind it! Tears came back into my eyes as I squeezed them shut and started to cry in fear. Why was that fox there? Is that what the yellow rabbit meant when she said that 'she' was hiding?

As I sat there on the floor, crying my eye's out, I felt everything around me change. I wanted to see what was happening, but I was too scared to think about it!

"Don't worry," I heard that voice say. "Tomorrow is another day.

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