My Unhappy Birthday

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Thankfully, Mommy wasn't upset about my accident; she says it happens all the time. I hope she isn't talking about me, specifically.

Anyway, after I got washed off, she started getting me dressed and ready for my birthday party. As she was brushing my hair, she made it clear how she wanted me to do my best to make new friends.

"I know you probably don't understand, but Mommy and Daddy put a lot of effort into this party, so please try and make it worth it, okay?"

"Okay, Mommy."

"That's my girl!"

She then kissed my forehead and sent me to the dining room for my breakfast. I sat down and looked at the plate, feeling very confused.

"Only two pancakes?" I asked her.

"Well, you'll want to save your appetite for the cake and pizza at the party!"

Cake? Pizza? Hm, maybe this party will be worth it, after all!

While I was eating my two pancakes, I felt everything around me slowly change. I looked around and saw that everything was different, yet familiar; it was the yellow rabbit's home! Oh, no; that's where my birthday party is at?! Why would they pick here?

I immediately ducked under the table and started shaking with fear as I thought about last night, and how the rabbit was stalking me in my home! The last place I want to be is right where he lives!

As tears started pouring out of my eyes again, I began peeking around from under the table, looking for any signs of anyone that can help me. I'd even look for that scary purple man if that means the yellow rabbit won't get me!


Suddenly, a white face appeared in front of mine and screamed at me! I screamed even louder as I crawled out the other way and ran towards wherever I could. Before I could get too far, though, I ran into three other animals: a golden bear, a green and red bunny, and a yellow rabbit! I can't believe it; the monsters that have been after me all week are here, too!

I stopped and curled into a ball on the floor, sobbing my eyes out as I did. All the while, I could see the fox join the rest of the animals and they started to laugh at me. I quickly realized that this was the same laughter I heard when I was locked in the closet with the body parts!

"Wow!" I heard the bunny say. "Your sister is kind of a baby, isn't she?"

S...sister? There's no way that one of these monsters is my sister!

"It's hilarious!" the fox replied with a laugh.

I don't see anything too hilarious about torturing a kid like me!

I then saw the fox look towards the back of the building. She soon turned back towards the others with an evil smile.

"Why don't we help her get a closer look?" She asked the others. "She will love it!"

A closer look at what? Whatever it is, it can't be good!

"NO!" I screamed out. "PLEASE!"

"Come on, guys!" the fox continued, completely ignoring me. "Let's give this little girl a lift! She wants to get up close and personal!"

Before I could plea, the fox and bunny picked me up high off the ground and started carrying me away while the bird and bear followed behind! They were all laughing so loud that I couldn't even hear myself scream!

"NO!" I cried. "I DON'T WANNA GO!"

"You heard the little girl!" the fox told the others. "She wants to get even closer! Hahaha!"

No! Why is this happening? This is my birthday and these monsters are ruining it! I'm supposed to be happy right now, but that's exactly what I'm NOT feeling!

Finally, they all stopped and I looked up. My eyes widened big when I saw where I was: right in front of the giant yellow rabbit! Her big, red eyes were looking right at me as I heard her laugh uncontrollably!

"Hey, guys!" the fox told the other animals. "I think the little girl said he wants to give SprIngtime Bonnie a big kiss!"



The fox and bunny then ducked down slowly, but not so far that I could touch the floor and run away; all I could do was squirm and hope I could get out!


I suddenly felt myself being lifted up really fast as I saw a blurry vision of yellow! The next thing I knew, I felt my chin rest on something sharp and cold...I quickly realized it was the yellow rabbit's mouth!

I tried squirming to get out, but I quickly felt something against the top of my head. It was also pretty sharp and cold, almost as if...OH, NO!

"HELP ME!" I screamed to anyone who would listen! "SHE'S HURTING ME! HELLLLLLLP!"

That's when I heard gasps of fear below me. What happened next was a shock:

"Oh, shit! Somebody help! Please!"

The fox was actually trying to help me! I don't know why, but I just cared about getting out of here!

It felt really sharp on my chin and forehead, and it hurt so much! The worst part was that it just kept going down further and further! I also heard a whole bunch of screaming that sounded like it came from a lot of people, who were most likely just watching me!


That time, it was the bunny calling out; if they didn't want me to get hurt, why did they put me in the rabbit's mouth in the first place?

That's when it happened. I don't think I can describe it perfectly, but it sounded like a CRUNCH and a SQUISH mixed together. After that, I couldn't move anything. I couldn't squirm. I couldn't scream. I could only stare into the yellow rabbit's mouth, which suddenly got really, really red. The screams behind me got really loud that if I could move, I would've jumped in fear!

Suddenly everything got really, really fuzzy. My head started to hurt, specifically where the rabbit's teeth were. I then felt a weird taste in my mouth. Was it...salt? Where did that come from?

Everything then got so blurry that I couldn't tell what I was looking at anymore; all I know is that this is what I get for celebrating my birthday.

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